Technically, none of the caves on Installation 04 are natural formations. 2-8 players Boxwork is a pseudosymmetrical map which takes place in some of Forge World's numerous caves. I would hesitate to say that it is purely symmetrical, as the sloping ground in the large cave prevents this. Weapons: Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x1 Sword x1 DMR x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Assault Rifle x2 Needler x2 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Grenade Launcher x2 Pistol x2 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x12 Main Cavern: Red Base and Blue Base are fundamentally the same, but Blue Base is a little narrower on the upper floor. Both bases have an assault and sniper rifle upstairs, with needle weaponry downstairs. Two ramps allow access into the lower portion, with another ramp leading to the upper floor. Outside of each base is an area with some rocks for cover, and two teleporters. One is to the purple tunnel, and one is to the yellow tunnel. Heading towards the other base will lead you to the central structure, which is the first picture in this post. Purple Tunnel: This is the upper teleporter. Equidistant from both teleporters is the coveted energy sword. This is the lower teleporter. Yellow Tunnel: This is the upper teleporter. Equidistant from both teleporters is the also coveted shotgun. This is the lower teleporter. Overall: Boxwork is largely intended for symmetrical games such as Team Slayer and CTF, but it is compatible with all standard gametypes with the exception of Race and Rally. Even Invasion works! My central goals with this map were to create a symmetrical feel in an inherently assymetrical space, incorporate multiple caves into one level, and to make familiar spaces new again. Hopefully, I succeeded. Power weapons are on the fifty yard line. This is my Forgetacular submission, and I'm waiting on a video to be able to turn it in. Until then, any advice/comments/questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Looking over the pictures, I realized that red base is missing a column! I've fixed this, but now I'm running dangerously low on my budget, which I think is surprising for such a small map. Also, I thought that camping the lower purple tunnel teleporter would be a concern, so there are some soft kill zones to keep people from lurking in the waters for too long.
This is a very interesting map, it has the architecture and general look of a coliseum slayer map, yet is built within a cave? Ossim. However, can someone camp in front of the teleporters with an energy sword?
Thank you! In regards to your question, there's always a risk of teleporter camping with any map that features them; I tried to minimize this in a few ways. 1. You can't stand behind a teleporter; there's not enough space. 2. There are no areas very near teleporters where you can hide, that I'm aware of. The bottom teleporter in the purple tunnel was susceptible to this, so I made a small soft kill zone on either side of the walkway. 3. There are two close-range weapons on the map (the sword and the shotgun); the idea is that any one person could always run into someone holding the other. 4. The teleporters are two-way, so you can always retreat if the situation is bad. 5. There are two teleporters to any area; someone camping the red base yellow teleporter could get snuck up on by someone using the blue base yellow teleporter. Also, if you'll notice, it's impossible to snipe-camp the teleporters from the bases. I accomplished this via architectural elements and very carefully placed rocks. Hopefully that's enough to keep the teleporter element 'fun'. Let me know if you find any problems!