Floor 9 Floor 9 is a small CQB map designed for 4v4 matches of slayer and capture the flag, but it can also play King of the hill, assault, juggernaught and free for all slayer, and is a lot like maps made for MLG. It has an inner close quaters area, and balconies that go all around the map with long sight lines for long ranged fights. I have focused alot on aesthetics for this map, and tried to make sure it looks as good as possible. Here are some screenies to show the map itself in action: so, what are you waiting for? download it here : Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details and please give any feedback you have so that i can improve the map and make it even more awesome!
Good job on the map! im surprised no one commented on it yet... but you are a relatively new member ( so am i) and i think this is a pretty good map. if you want your map to be taken really seriously i recomend adding an overhead roofless shot, and a list of all weapons and their spawn times. i see very few flaws, maybe the occasional crack here and their but good job. Also keep in mind to many bridges = bad. Good job on this map and i hope to see you making more maps!