It may not show any gameplay and we still know very little about the game, but that doesn't mean we can't give credit to a great trailer, right? YouTube - Dead Island: Official Announcement Trailer Here's a preview IGN did of the game, if you want to know more about it. Spoiler
Ive been keeping track of this for the longest time... since maybe 8th grade (Im a senior now) Looking forward to it... Ill look forward to anything with zombies in it, really. Compare that trailer to this earlier tralier Compare that trailer to this earlier trailer The contrast makes me lol
available in 720p HD uploaded by IGN couple days ago This game looks ****in brutal, been some buzz surrounding it on Youtube since this was released. Trailer is of Bioshock quality, looks sick graphics are claimed to be real time in-game edit- my bad, didnt check the videos section for it
Now that's just not true. The trailer was made by a separate company simply for promotional purposes. Techland has said that this trailer was CGI and not in game.
I saw the cinematic trailer... Wow...just.... Wow.... I hope the game can hold that level of emotional impact.
Not much to do with the game but I love the trailer soundtrack, jesus. I'd say this is the best possible trailer they could of came up with to reveal the game. Great little emotional attachment showing how 'real' something like that would feel. Looks promising.
anyone else get the 'ohshit' moment at about 2:36? When i realized what the father was going to do...holy ****
I'm still confused though. Does the dad like leave her out in the hall to die? But he really threw her out the window? The reverse forward thing is kinda confusing x__x and wow 800k more views since last time I watched it
No, the backwards moving sections and forward moving sections meet up in the middle of all of it. The entire story is that the girl is being chased by zombies and gets bitten, the dad runs out there to save her and they bring her in to their room, and the girl reanimates as a zombie to kill her parents. The final shot of the dad staring at and reaching for his daughter is where the forward and backward moving parts meet up. Also, I can't say I'm not intrigued by it, but I think things are moving a bit too fast... Dead Island Movie in Development - Movies News at IGN
I dont think I agree there should be a movie. Dead Island is suppose to be heavy on story-telling. The game should be the definitive experience, not a movie. That is if the movie ever sees the light of day..I bet they'll drop development if the game turns out to be a flop. I mean who wants to see a movie based on a game that was horrible?
Watch at about 2:36. He sets her down, presumably says a silent goodbye, then raises his fire ax. Cut to baw memories.
because clearly the concept of "reverse order chronology" was far too complicated for some people to grasp "OMG why is he leaving his daughter in the hallway with the zombies!?" Anyway, this trailer was really dramatic and has my interest peaked for this game. I'll be keeping my eye on it from now on.
"OMG, HOW LUCKY, THE ZOMBIES ARE RUNNING AWAY LIKE SHE'S REPELANT OR SOME ****!" Really good trailer, gonna keep my eye on the game, but I doubt it goes anywhere tbh.
...? honestly, it wasnt very complicated. did you not realize most of it was in reverse when the girl was flying up back into a window?
Little girls are scary man, I wouldn't put it past them to have the ability to fly. Somehow being a zombie seems to be an improvement. [br][/br]Edited by merge: YouTube - Dead Island Trailer Analysis - IGN Rewind Theater And it's pretty rediculous the stuff these guys found.
comment on youtube: some one pointed this out to me 3:26 on the dads shirt might be the release date 06/15 ___________ and you can see it says JUN on his shirt too, could be a significant date, seems too early though to be a release date
This is the game almost everyone ever has been waiting for. A zombie survival game where people are forced to scavenge to survive, and where unlike games like Dead Rising, the zombies feel real. Its going to be insane. It doesn't help that that is the single best trailer of any video game I have ever seen.