
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by iTz Longshot, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 1.1
    With v1.1, there was some slight changes. The name of the map was changed from "Prophet" to "Prophecy", not that much of a change but its something. On Orange and Purple side, there is now a an opening so you an drop from top to bottom level. There is "cover" added to the sides of the "1x1 tall" by the bases to take away some line of sight. Also, the bridges on top middle are flipped upside down so that it's easier to kill someone up there, and easier to drop to the bottom level.(no drop damage)

    Testers Guild
    Test Freedback

    Prophecy is a map that is completely symmetrical and strongly build to 2v2 team slayer and Throwdown. For CTF and Bomb, i have created a custom gametype so it supports this map very well due to the small size, and still have a feel of the TS Throwdown. Other gametypes will work fine with default settings. This map has two levels on the sides of the bases, with (sort of) two bridges in the middle, from side to side.

    The weapons are evenly spaced so ether team can go and be rewarded with them. The power weapons/objects to obtain is the Concussion Rifle on Top Mid and the Over Shield is at Bottom Mid. There is a total of 4 DMRs, 4 Needle Rifles, 4 Plasma Grenades, 2 Plasma Rifles, 1 Concussion Rifle and 1 Over Shield.

    Weapon||Clip||Respawn||Number on Map

    DMR || 2 || 30sec || 4
    Needle Rifle || 2 || 90sec || 4
    Plasma Rifle || 2 || 90sec || 2
    *Concussion Rifle || 1 || 120sec || 1

    Plasma Grenade || n/a || 15sec || 4
    Over Shield || n/a || 180sec || 1
    *Drop Spawn

    *from v1.0









    Special Thanks
    Psycho Duck, BuringThunder4, MattKestrel, Erupt, Stevo, BigRigg101, other testers(?)

    Map: FHT Prophecy v1.1

    Gametypes: Throwdown || *5 Flag || *5 Bomb

    *Gametype Setting
    -Base Player-
    || Damage Modifier: 110% || Shield Recharge: 110% || Health Recharge: 200% ||
    || Gravity: 100% || Jump: 110% || Speed: 110% ||
    || Primary: DMR || Secondary: Magnum || Nade: 1Frag || Armor Abilitys: Sprint/Hologram/Jetpack ||


    || Carrier Speed: 75% || Carrier Melee: 75% ||
    || Flag Return: Instant || Flag Cap at Home: NO ||
    || Bomb Return: 30sec. || Bomb Arm: 3sec. || Bomb Disarm: NO ||

    #1 iTz Longshot, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  2. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    I'll check this out, but just to let you know a midship remake that will be posted soon already is named prophet, up to you if you want to still keep the name or not.
  3. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well im sorry for the same map name, and i really dont want to sound like a jerk or aything, but i would like to stay with the map name. I have a TG thread of my feedback, i would have to change the map name, and gametypes name, make a new picture for my title picture, and re-link them. Not to mention me just now placing it in the FHT submission really sorry, if you really want me to change it, ill see what i can do. Thanks for letting me know though.
  4. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    No, not at all, I was just saying it was up to you. You can definitely keep the name, I was just giving you a heads up that a co-forge between me, mac xl and controlix of midship is named prophet and likely to be in mlg matchmaking from the current standing.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great map Longshot. I was impressed at how well this played, even on the first game here. I can't wait 'til you release Composition...

    Bleuprint, seeing as Longshot has already released his prophet map, and yours has not yet been released, would it not make more sense for you to change your map's name?
  6. hardflip743

    hardflip743 Ancient
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    His map has been released. It just has not been posted here yet. Bleuprint's prophet has been released for roughly 4 or 5 days now on the MLG forums.
  7. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well thanks for the comment, and yea, I did some editing on Composition, and we should try another gametype besides slayer or CTF

    Ok, well i just want to let everyone know that i wasn't fully expecting this to be a huge hit or anything within the competitive thread, this map was created for the Throwdown map entry. I posted up the thread encase anyone wanted to checkout/play another map on FH site. One thing is, my actual map title is "FHT Prophet", while the co-forged map will most likely be titled with "MLG". Another thing is that since the co-forged map is MLG settings, then it will most likley be posted within the MLG content, if/when posted on FH. Thanks :)
  8. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    But still ppl will be confused.. "wait what this isn't prophet..." It looks like bleu's will be making MLG and when ppl start playing on a map named after something that is on a playlist already its going to be a big turnoff... this is all my opinion, I would change personally bc I would hate for someone to have the same map name as mine
  9. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Prophet is released, just not on forgehub but it's been up for about a week or so and has been playtested @ TLN lan and just about everyone else on mlg. It's not specifically and MLG map, it was as close to H3 as we could get with blocks but lets bring it back to this map.

    I'll dl both the map and gametype and if it feels like little lag and something my friends on xbl will dig we'll try some games on it. Looking forward to checking it out :)
  10. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map name has changed from "Prophet" to "Prophecy". I am sorry for this mishap. v1.1 changes are at the top of the page.
  11. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    I like prophecy dude!
  12. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the name switch to Prophecy was a good, still it's too bad you had to change it at all. I wanna try this in regular 2v2 sometime, not just Throwdown.

    Oh, and what's this doing on the second page? *bump*

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