Hey guys and girls.. I have built this awesome map but am so lost with spawning and other such things to make this map actually work.. Can anyone help? Please PM me
I can help add me on XBL - Paranoia UK Also for future reference it is a good idea to go into more detail in a thread like this. What exactly is the problem?
awesome.. FR sent. Nice to see ya from good ol'blighty aswell.. It will be good to be in the same time zone for the a change I spent quite abit of time building this map for a machima project and some friends thought it could make an intense multiplayer map. I dont know the basic spawning tools/techniques used in halo reach to make this possible, more to the point playable.. (Kill/safe zones spawns etc..) I did try to set up a basic flag setting and it wouldnt reconize it in custom. Any help is greatly appreciated
OK thats cool man, i can show you everything you need to get it playable. I will be on and off through out today, if you see me sign on invite me to a game.