Introduction New to Forge Hub, not so new to forging...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pfeuff, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Pfeuff

    Pfeuff Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys

    Name's Adam, and I live in Sydney, Australia.

    Been visiting the site frequently over the past few months looking for sweet maps to check out on Reach... and thought I may as well sign up so I can start posting my own creations on here, which hopefully will be in the near future.

    My current project is still in early stages of development and can't be released for testing just yet, but I should have it ready soon.

    A few things about me...

    I like to:

    • play games (obviously), mainly FPS, on xbox & computer
    • watch anime (cause I think it's awesome)
    • socialize with my mates, who are super cool guys (well... most of them lol)
    • get drunk with them (lots of fun)
    • ride motorbikes (also fun, but very dangerous as I just learned recently, hahaha... ohhh my back)

    Been playing Halo since the very first game, on the first xbox, and love the series.
    Got into forging on H3, but I never got around to posting any of my completed maps on it which is a bit of a shame. I might get around to doing it later on though.

    Now that I have Reach, with the new awesome Forge, I've been familiarizing myself with all the new functions & objects it has, as well as working really hard to make the best possible map that I can, which I know loads of people will love when they see it.

    Well, I think that should do for my intro. If anyone wants to ask me anything just go right ahead, I don't bite... much hahaha.

    See you round!
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You sound like an everyday cool guy. But maybe that's just a cover-up and you have diabolical plans to destroy humanity one step at a time.

    Regardless of your intentions I feel you still deserve the tour.

    1. Stay away from sleazy grandma's. You DON'T know where they've been.

    2. Stay away from the clinically Insane.

    I guess re-reading the rules wouldn't be a bad idea either, but the first two are most important.

    Welcome to Forge Hub!
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    3. if you ever get the chance in game... Tea-bag the hell outta that shady NlBBLES character............
  4. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Agreed with the above.

    Welcome to FH. I think there are quite a few motobike fans on here and I know there are several anime fans too. If you get to know the community a little bit then you might find a motobike riding, anime watch/ reader, FPS lover, and an Alcoholic all in one!
  5. Pfeuff

    Pfeuff Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Damn... you saw straight through my disguise NIBS, how careless of me.

    Hahaha anyway, thanks for the warm welcome guys, as well as all your advice/suggestions.

    By the way, I've been working on my map in Reach these past couple days and it's coming along nicely, though unfortunately my budget has nearly run out and so has my list of objects to use, which means I may have to start thinking about making changes soon. If only there was a little more I could use... how disappointing.
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome aboard dude, it's always nice to get some fresh blood around here. Looking forward to seeing some of your work. I'm also readily available to give you a hand if you ever need it, whether it be in forge or filling up a custom lobby with players to test.

    As for advice, I've got a few tidbits.
    -Network (make as many forger friends as possible)
    -Study maps and design theory
    -Don't become a follower, make a name for yourself through your own work (ie; don't suck on the veterans here)
    -Don't use this as a dumping ground for your maps, participate actively in the community

    Hope to see you around.

    GT: SecretSchnitzel
  7. Gueifu

    Gueifu Forerunner

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    That's good to hear, hopefully the process isn't too painful.
  8. Cntrl Alt Elite

    Cntrl Alt Elite Forerunner

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    hey! enjoy your stay

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