In a way this is a map preview, but this topic is more about telling you this new style of forging infection maps I have found. I have 13 maps that are done with this new way of forging. Now please, bare with me as there is a bit much to explain. For the longest time, My infection maps were boring, direction-less, and slow paced. I wanted those vibes, but did not want to waste a whole play area just to bring it to my games. Well, a few days ago, I came up with an idea that could change the way infection games/maps will be played, and in a very good way too. What I would do is take one of my maps, in this case one of my ship maps, and break it down into 5 parts. Each part would be cut off from the rest by one way doors that act as both blockades, and zombie respawn areas. The zombies respawn on one side of the door and the humans fight/defend on the other as the zombies come in. What this did was bring the game play concentrated and directed exactly how i wanted it. It was also fast and never boring. The game play was constant. There was constant killing, and constant team work. The intensity of the game play increased dramatically, and EVERONE knew exactly what they had to do, and where they had to go. To say the least, it was a very very fun "massacre". Making the zombies respawn closer to the humans and them self, and making the humans close by each other all the time made everyone work as a team. Bullets were constantly flying, and zombies were running in by the waves. You may say that the game play for the zombies is unbalanced, but lets be real here. It is damn hard to not be over whelmed by waves and waves of zombies coming from many directions. So each map that I forged on so far, I broke into parts. One map had three parts, another had 5. Each part was uniquely different and fun. It could have more or less/different weapons, maybe vehicles. Ability's for both humans and zombies varied. Also the amount of ways the zombies come from varies from what map you play as well. And the game type is set to the according map. So when you want to switch the play area, you simply end the game (or wait for it to be over) and then select the next part of the map in the lobby. This allows the whole map to be used in some way and still keep that really really good game play that so many are looking for in an infection game. I played it with 16 players on 2 out of my 13 maps so far, and I got to say "wow that was one of the most amazing experience's in my life while playing halo". Every one had a blast, and I'm starting to think that this is how halo infection games should be played. Even 2 of my buddy's and I had fun. lol, when do you have fun playing 3 player infection on halo? During these games, I found that zombies indeed die alot, how ever it is all OK because dying as a zombies is not punishing any more. In larger maps, you have to walk a few distances to get to the action, which would most likely result in the same death as before. Infection games are supposed to be played with the humans gaining lots of kills, but at the same time, it is very hard to not die. Heres a little sample of what you might experience. Now like I said before, the team work is enhanced greatly because of the map restriction and difficulty taking on many zombies waving after waving toward you. I also have an example of the shield door in action. Again the zombies spawns behind it, and the humans are restricted in the play space on the other side. Now speaking of the map, I have a few screen shots to show what I mean about breaking it into parts. Here is the ship I picked. Now here is just 2 "parts" of the ship that I chose as defense areas for the humans. "The Observatory" "Supply Station" These games/maps are still under massive testing, and would be great if I can get more to play and help test this with me (sense its rare to get 16 players in the first place). Also please, if you have questions, I would love to answer them. My gamer tag is "Regrets Nothing" Thanks for your time.
This sounds like an interesting approach, and I'd love to see it in action. I'll FR you via and see if I can get on Reach soon.
OK yea cool, I got it, but i sent a message back asking if you were from forge hub, lol. Don't worry about it though. Thanks man! Oh and you read really fast lol.
It would be awesome if we could make an infection game like an invasion map. The first phase the humans have to get somewhere and hold the position. The second phase the humans can go to a second area and zombies unlock more classes The last phase the humans have to grab an item or something (vaccine to zombie invasion) and get it safely to the falcon or other vehicle.
I was asking my self if the Haven points could be used like invasion capture points. When you cap it, it opens a new area of the map. But i don't think this is the case.
Im going to challenge myself and try that, you can still block paths with debris that opens up a minute or two into the game. You can have custom powerups for the zombies that can alter them half-way through the game. It would be hard to do but it is still very plausible.