ok, first, put the map and gametype you want on your fileshare. then, sign on to bungie.net, create a profile if you dont have one already, and link your gamertag to the email address you chose for you account. then just make a page, like youve just done, describe the map, put pictures on it, and then copy and paste the link to the maps and gametypes on your fileshare so people can download and wallah! your map is on forgehub ALso: if you dont know how to add pictures to the forums, just take pictures on your xbox, put them on your fileshare like before, go to bungie.net, and photobucket.com create an account on photobucket, and then download the pics onto your computers hardrive, simply by right clicking and selecting the right one. then upload them to photobucket, and then copy the link from photobucket under "image" and paste it on your post. hopefully ive been clear enough
put ur map on your fileshare find it on bungie.net post the link on forge maps and then people can say if itz gud or not
Fileshare and Linking your map 1. Go into the forge menu. Find your map in the list of maps and press X. Save map to fileshare. 2. Log onto Bungie.net using your email address linked to your XBL account 3. Find your bungie.net profile and click Halo: Reach 4. From the list on the left hand side select Fileshare 5. Copy and paste the web address of your map into your thread in forgehub. Posting Pictures of your map 1. Go into a custom game and take pictures of your map 2. Exit the game and go into file browser > active transfers and wait for the pics to upload 3. Log into bungie net and find your Halo Reach profile 4. Click on recent screenshots 5. Save all of your pictures onto your pc 6. Upload your images onto an image hosting website like photobucket or imageshack 7. Find the link that has tags and copy them into your forgehub post [b]Posting a Video of your map (optional)[/b] 1. Record a video of your map in theatre mode 2. Put the video into your fileshare 3. Wait for it to upload 4. Log onto bungie.net and locate your video in your fileshare 5. Click Render Video 6. Wait for it to render (can take up to a day) 7. Copy the link into your thread on Forgehub. (There is some BB code you will need but im not sure what it is as I do all mine through Youtube)
um how do i get the map on my file share? [br][/br]Edited by merge: thank you so much and please tell me what u think of it it is called bricore1