The Atrium .2 Well, its been a while since my last post, so i figured i would get back into posting with a new and improved version of my map "The Atrium". While at first it might not seem like i have changed much, i have actualy put quite alot of work into this update, such as making this map compatable with every original FFA gametype, and taking the time to add a roof, which was one of the main suggestions. For those who didnt see my original map, the atrium is a FFA map designed for tight, close quarters combat and narrow corridoor fights. The weapons are placed in areas where they will be most effective, so for example there is a sniper in one of the corridoors, and in the middle open area there is a concussion rifle. Here are some screenies showing the layout of the map. upper corridoors lower corridoors lower central area upper central area This map is quite hard to show in pictures, so download it here to see what its like for yourself: : Halo Reach : File Details , have fun, and please give feedback (if its critisism, make it constructive) and if you are ever interested in taking part in my custom game sessions that i have with my friends every few days where we play a mixture of competitive maps and minigames, send a message to my GT : monkeybean1304
um juicy and new gen i think might be wrong though i put them in on my first version so i dont realy remember [br][/br]Edited by merge: ok the post has been updated. everyone who has already downloaded the map has downloaded the wrong version my map library glitched up and all versions of the map i made deleted themselves, leaving the original non updated map. But the link is now fixed, and the correct version is up, so download and enjoy