Debuting on Machinima Revive is the new miniseries from FSMG, Catalyst: Origins, which will introduce viewers to the characters and plotlines of the upcoming series Catalyst. This episode features ODST Omega Squad, whose members will make up a large part of the Catalyst ensemble. YouTube - Catalyst Origins: ODST Omega Squad (Halo Reach Machinima) FSMG will follow a biweekly release schedule through Revive and the first full episode will premier March 6th. We hope you guys like it and as always, any input or questions are welcomed. Thanks.
It looks like you have something really good to work with, the only problem that I could perceive was the Energy Sword Diss. You don't go diss'in the energy sword! Perhaps the energy sword should run out of ammo when the Elite pummeled the main character instead. This way it really does look like the Energy Sword is stupid(or broken) in this shot. Regardless, the show looks pretty decent and you can expect me to watch this when the first full episode releases. Best of luck.
Very impressive work here. I found it a little difficult to hear the voice of the main character, whos name i missed, over the sound of the music. However, everything else was great. Great acting, both vocally and in-game,and great use of camera angles. I look forward to seeing anything you do in the future.
Amazing, Humor and Action. And I thought Arby n The Chief could only get that far. Bravo! Voices are clear, Well written I may add.