Updated and much improved: Added most objective based Gameplay variants --- now you can enjoy some crazy bomb dropping, flag stealing, head hunting with your friends. corrected spawn and respawn issues in team games Fixed boundry issues and kill zones Added "Firing Range" live fire sound effects Changed Color Pallete to next gen Added neutral game camera Tweaked most other reported nuances and bugs "Based on a famous 20th Century Training Ground for U.S. Army Special Forces, this Training Facility sets the stage for all ODST Live Fire Practices" As with all Call of Duty Remakes the only real difference here is scale - the map feels much bigger in Reach. Still working on all other non-slayer modes - stay tuned. Explosives set up around Warthogs to give that "Call of Duty Jeep Explosion" feel. Turret set up on Runway road to replicate sentry gun. Contains the folowing (all set at 60 second spawns unless otherwise noted) UPDATED AND NEW LINK ADDED 2/26 (thus download count reset) Fixed remaining spawn issues - added more vehicles - and based on popular request added alot more weapons to speed up flow of game 3 DMR 2 sniper 90 2 shotty 90 1 needle rifle 2 needler 2 plasma pistol 1 Turret 120 3 Magnum 5 Assault rifle 1 Energy sword - not at start - after 3 mins 1 Gravity Hammer - not at start - after 3 mins 6 Warthogs 3 Mongoose (Mongeese? Mongooses?) 2 Ghosts 1 Revenant Warthogs, Mongoose, and Fusion Coils do not respawn AND A COUPLE OF ACTION SHOTS
The scale and building size feel a bit...off. I can't explain exactly where, but i sense it. I would download and be more specific, but it's not my xbox and I don't have my roommates windows live id. I think you should do a re-imagining of Firing Range instead of a remake. That way you can take creative liberties and forge a layout crafted toward an optimal Halo experience. Something tells me COD maps just wouldn't be that fun.
I know the scale is off - I actually put that in the description above. I have downloaded numerous other COD remakes - the scale between the two games dont translate well - that being said, the map itself lends itself well to most of the objective bases games. I did add some objective specific items as well (gravity lits in oddball, etc). [br][/br]Edited by merge: Spawn Point fixes are coming soon - this will rectify all of the Spawn Camping issues -- additionally more firepower is being added to the map to increase speed of games. A Race variant also being added (thanks for the recommendation DeeJay How). All fixes and adds should be in with updated link by 2-28.