
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CryoDragon95, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. CryoDragon95

    CryoDragon95 Forerunner

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    "Formally an energy conversion station, now left in tempral cooldown mode, it waits patiently for re activation. 8-16 Players."

    This is Nucleus, a map I made in the first few weeks of the release of Reach. Inspired by the Nucleus map in Team Fortress 2, you may recognize some features from it that I brought into this map. Built for King of The Hill, it also supports Oddball and Stockpile. I've tried with other gametypes but to be honest it's too small for anything else. In case you're wondering, it's symmetrical. As the description suggests 8-16 players is recommended, any lower can make the game seem too slow paced.


    Blue Side (same as Red side)

    The Core (Centre of the map) - Notice the inclines at each corner, this increases the chances of grenade kills.

    The shield doors not only show each team's side, but also prevent grenades coming from the hill, pushing them away in another direction and occasionally back to the person who threw it, as do the glass windows above and in front of the door.

    The upstairs exits also have a similar detail, these generators next to the doors also prevent camping upstairs, helping to quickly eliminate any loiterers.

    The lower level underneath the Core can used to get quickly from one side of the map to another in a matter of seconds.

    Underside of the map

    Aesthetics Are even found in the spawns, such as these cranes, The weapons inside them are unreachable. (Blue side : Energy Sword, Red side: Concussion Rifle).

    One last thing, There are 3 med kits on each side of the map, 2 accompanied by a fusion coil. So if you're planning to heal up, I suggest you check whoever is scoping you before you do it.

    Please Comment and give constructive Criticism, Thanks!
    #1 CryoDragon95, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  2. Permanent a Marker

    Permanent a Marker Forerunner

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    I like how you constructed out of the water. The only issue i see with your map is a lack of cover. With the halo community becoming better over time a good dmr will tear apart competition. Players without sufficient cover will become unhappy with game play in your map. All i suggests that you put some thought into adding some cover.

    Be mindful though that by adding cover i do not mean adding clutter to your well designed map i mean, use structures to eliminate lines of sight.

    As the pro halo 3 forger of mlg map MLG Amplified stated, "The purpose of cover is not to add cluter i.e. random structures, but is to eliminate lines of sight."

    Other than this you did a good job forger, nice work : )
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    You can get those weapons out of the crates if you simply grenade jump over it, of jump from the inclines.
    You need to think about these things when designing a map. Just a little future tip.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The basic design is somewhat boring tbh, and the lack of cover makes it so that a run around the outer walkways are suicidal. Additionally, using weapons as aesthetics in that manner seems wasteful of resources; it doesn't help to distinguish one side of the map from the other any more than simply using color-coding blocks.

    Putting the medpacks next to fusion coils is an interesting gameplay idea that probably works well to create a risk/reward decision. Also, the sublevel with man cannons is a nice gimmick that helps to change flow on this map.

    Ultimately, you have some good clever ideas on this map. However, you might want to work on better overall map designs.

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