Hi, This is my most recent map I named Vortex 2.0. It is inspired of my old halo 3 map: Vortex and I decided to make a mlg map with it. It is a small and symetrical map which works with all MLG gametypes (Slayer, Territories, CTF, KoTH, Oddball). Best with 4-8 players. The weapons: -1 Sniper -4 Dmr -4 Needle Riffle -1 Plasma Pistol -2 Magnum -8 Frag Grenades -4 Stickys -2 JetPack -1 Evade Here is a video: [bungievid]14221545[/bungievid] And now, here are the pictures!: Please download it and leave your comments, Thank You Swiitchz Edit: Don't forget to download the non-Mlg map: Vortex 2.0 which works with all gametypes (even Stockpile and Headhunter!)
Thoughts : ) First, I would like to say good job. It seems to me that you put lots of time and work into this map, and in my opinion it has payed off. It seems from what I can tell from the pictures is that you have used cover effectively to eliminate lines of sight, and power weapons have been placed thoughtfully. The only minor change that I would suggest is to ditch the angled windows in the four corners of your map, since I feel that it breaks away from the flow of your map, and will prove to be a grenade trap for anyone unlucky enough to get stuck under them during engaged combat, as well as provide too much of a height advantage to sniper who climb on top of them. Other than this minor change, which is totally up to you, whether to change or not. I think that with a little more fine tuning and other peoples suggestions. This map may very well find itself onto a community play list : ) P.S. In addition reconsider the way that you color your map. The more differs in color you include in your map, the more broken up the map becomes, reducing its aesthetic qualities. My rating of your map : ) Rating 1 worst, 10 best ----------------------- Playability: 8.5 Cover(eliminating lines of sight): 7.5 Aesthetic: 7.5 Spawning: N/A Weapon Placement(type and placement): 8 Armor Abilities(type and placement): 9 Averaged Ranting: 8.1
Very nice job. I like how the map seems open yet it has plenty of cover. I agree with the four windows thing too but that's the worst critique I can give you without having played the map. Overall, terrific map. I'm looking forward to playing it this weekend.