
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SpecterCody, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Long ago this station was built by the forerunners, but today all that remains is an enigma. Forlorn is a large symmetrical competitive map that was designed with team gameplay in mind. The map is split down the middle with either walls or shield doors to break lines of sight. The map can be divided into a balcony side and a grassy side and is located above the coliseum. I have only had the chance to test 1 4v4 team slayer match on it with people I didn't know. I thought it played well but it was hard to concentrate with all the obnoxious 12 year olds screaming at me. If you have a chance to test it I would appreciate some feedback.

    -4 DMRs
    -4 Needle Rifles
    -2 Needlers
    -2 Snipers
    -2 Shotguns
    -2 Spikers
    -1 Gravity Hammer
    -1 Energy Sword
    -1 Rocket Launcher

    Bases- the bases are simple and rectangular. They jut off the cliff from the grassy side and overhang with epic views. There are 2 bridges between the bases and the center balcony. The upper bridge has far lines of sight while the lower bridge is close-quarters. The team objective point can be seen in the 3rd picture attached to the cylinder below the strut.




    The Balcony- the balcony is a narrow elongated structure jutting out from the grassy area between both bases. The very tip of the balcony, pictures 1, 2 and 3 is divided by windows and a shield door centerpiece, picture 3. There is a drop down hole also seen in picture 3 that drops down to the lower balcony and sword, picture 2. Closest to the grassy side is the mid door, picture 4, a shield door dividing the line of fire between the red and blue upper bridges. On CTF this door is blocked off to prevent easy travel between bases.





    Grassy Side- An overview of the grassy side shows a flat plain broken up by a dividing wall, pavilion and rocks. The upper overlooks provide long lines of sight, but leave you exposed to sniper fire.




    Thanks for viewing, don't forget to download and leave feedback!
    #1 SpecterCody, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad to see you finally released this. I was intrigued when I saw the preview thread... Definitely got my download. Hopefully I'll get around to playing some customs tonight.
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Looks awesome, nice use of the natural terrain too. Like the guy above me my interest was sparked when I saw the preview thread.

    Random question: In the screenshot above where it says "Grassy Side" is that a shield door?
  4. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Looks decent. I like the grassy area, it gives the map some variation but isn't too overpowering; from how it looks. I'll defiantly DL and try this out looks interesting..
  5. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes that is a shield door, and during CTF its back-to-back one-ways to totally block it off.
  6. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I also got psyched by the preview and this turned out really well. I do have some suggestions for improvement though: there are several 45 degree ramps that I think would be better replaced by gradual ones for the sake of game flow. There is very minor z-fighting between the two crenelation cover pieces that form the hole over the sword spawn. Finally I think the shield doors on flag are a good thing to keep the distance from being two short between bases but I think this is one of the causes of frame rate drop on the map. Have you considered just walling that area of completely to block the line of sight as well? Or you could block it off entirely except for a smaller door. If you want to free up budget, those two window colusseums under the map could probably go since they aren't visible in game. Anyway, awesome map cody.
  7. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll end up removing the one-ways next version since you are right they probably create lag and also eat up a lot of budget. Thanks for pointing out the z-fighting, have you ever noticed when building over many saves your objects begin to drift?
  8. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Why didnt you just use a window?

    Anyway, this map looks great for both gmeplay and forging. Ill be sure to DL and check it out, you did know is possible to stand your sword up right? Use edit cooridinates, youll figure it out.
  9. MagicToast212

    MagicToast212 Forerunner

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    this looks absolutly insane, once again, great job. DL for sure
    #9 MagicToast212, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  10. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
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    This is an excellent map. There is a lot of different maps that are really just....ah meh, but this one is different. The structures are different in design and gives a different feel. usually when i download maps...after a few minutes i go...ah yep just like the last one i looked at....and then hit the delete button. This one still occupies space on my hard just feels fresh.. well done
  11. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will add a window for the next version for sure, I noticed during a CTF match blocking off the door way did make it interesting for me trying to run back the enemies flag as I had to walk out into an open space where snipers dominate. The sword should be leaning against the circular incline unless it somehow got knocked over.

    I'm glad you like the feeling I worked hard to accomplish. I agree most maps are predictable and similar so I always go for something a bit different.
  12. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Although it doesn't force me to download, it's a very special kind of map. It's very open and simply designed. I'll keep it in mind for my inter-clan battles.

    It's a very well made map, however. Great job.
    #12 simonstwin, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  13. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I wanted this one to be unique and expansive rather than claustrophobic and disorienting.

    Nah it does need work, eventually I will get to it but you know how that goes.
  14. Maztor

    Maztor Forerunner

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    Looks like an amazing map, for sure DLing.
    But quick question, is it any good for 1v1. I play a lot of custom games with my girlfriend since most of my friends list isnt on Reach. Shes no hardcore gamer and we usually just run around killing eachother goofing off. This is definitely a map id wanna give a go but unsure of the size.
  15. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its my largest to date map, it can handle a BTB match I'd say so a 1v1 would be slightly dull. May I recommend rigged in my signature for a 1v1 match? Just click the pic. Thanks!
  16. Maztor

    Maztor Forerunner

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    I downloaded and had a quick run around, the design and layout is fantastic.
    Im gunna have to try out the other map too if its as promising as this map is.

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