Hey guys, I have horrible horrible news. My xbox360 seems to be broken. Was playing Halo, then quit and turned off xbox. Ate a sandwich. Came back. Turn it on. BROKEN When I turn it on, THERE IS NO PICTURE, sound does work however, and I can hear it in the Dashboard menues. I have tried starting up the xbox using both my TV, and my computer screen via VGA cable. Both with the same result, still no picture. I have made sure the plugs, connectors etc are clear of dust, and I have made sure the HDTV-TV switch is at the right setting. (I actually tried it with both) STILL NOT WORKING! I have tried removing the HDD and starting it up. Not working. I have also tried turning off/on the xbox like a million times. PLZZZ somebody halp I'm so down buzz right now. Especially since I JUST got a one month and activated it and barely got to use it.
From the information given, I'm suspecting that the video pins in the Xbox 360 universal cable attachment broke or corrupted. This is the standard input cable for A/V. It plugs into this. Most likely, a few of the video ports got corrupted, and it's not displaying.
i tried using the original xbox cables AND a VGA xbox cable that connects to my PC monitor that i bought from an electronics store... BOTH DONT WORK!! i fear it is a hardware problem
ohh sorry lulz, thought you were talking about the cable. you were infact talking about the bit where the cable plugs in
the warranty is probably expired by now.. i got the 360 like 2 years ago. However.. My 360 stopped reading discs just after christmas and i sent it in to get fixed. Now this. Anyone think that would renew the warranty?
that's what happened to my old xbox. but before the video stopped the graphics got all weird and funky oh and if you take the faceplate off you can open the xbox and feel how hot the fan is in the back D: i spit in the fan and i heard it sizzle lmao its sooo crazy
LMFAO! What would cause you to think spiting on the inside of your 360 would be a good thing to do!! LOLOLOLSOISOISOISOI
well there goes your warranty once you open the xbox Microsoft brings the evil warranty squirrel and the take away your precious warranty
i saw this video on youtube where a guy fried a egg inside the xbox!!!!!! lollll no i could feel how hot the fan was it was like twice as hot as normal so i spit in it since it was already broken. and yeah it sizzled.
If it's only been two years, I think you might still be covered. Didn't Microsoft extend the 360 warranty for another two years because of RROD problems? If you've tampered with the system in any way, shape, or form, however, Microsoft won't fix it. Damn squirrels.
the same thing happened to me, i could hear the sound but couldn't see the screen. i fixed it by moving the switch on the plug back to tv. i had switched it to HD by accident. i think that that may be the problem but i may be wrong.
Well good luck. If your warranty is expired, I'm sure you could call up Microsoft and have it reinstated for a fee, I'm sure. I would of just hoped that it was the cable. Too bad though, I hope it gets worked out.
mastar, how did you get the tag? i saw that they added the option, but i have no clue how to do it, also, the icanhascheezburger one didnt work, and the lolcatz was hilarious