Anyone else see the face. I found this on Lone Wolf. The realistic looking eye in the top right, a little ways to left another one? What could this be? Tell me your predictions. Image link
It's a sign that you guys need to stop starring at the halo screen wondering if it could be a sign or something.
I didn't see any eyes, but when I was specifically looking for stuff I saw a couple of spartan helmet shapes.
I see alot in that picture, but thats only because I usually see crap like this when Im bored in clouds and such. Indeed, I am a freak. Anyway, I can see: In the topish left, a chicks face. Top right: A demented frog. Middle right: Skull Top Middlish left: Spartan Helmet Beside the skull: Something that looks suspiciously like casper the ghost. Middle, just under the orange streak of light: The head of an Elite. Just above the mountain on the left: Oracle (Forge ball to some) Under Casper: A locust head from G.O.W And about a hundred faces. In clouds, or anything similar, e.g smoke, If you're looking for something, you're going to find something, simply because the complex and random shapes of the clouds combined with your imagination makes you see things. The above list is evidence of that.
I dont know why, but when i clicked on the link my virus protection software started kicking in. thnk goodness i cut the power or i might not be able to post this. And even though it's image shack, it's stil infected and needs to be thumbnailed into the thread. Maybe it's just my out of date protection but still.