Barrel Full of Monkeys

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Zow Jr, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Zow Jr

    Map Name:
    Barrel full of Monkeys

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Monkeying Around



    Monkeying Around


    Welcome, forgers and gamers, to my latest map. This takes a spin on some of the most fun thing to do in Halo.

    Evade(Barrel Rolling)
    Rocket Launchers

    I was pondering for days about how to create a decent minigame utilizing these three concepts. I eventually came up with this, and hit the ground running.

    In the game, monkeying around, the objective is simple, kill other monkeys, take their shrunken heads (or bananas) and deposit them in the drop zone. Sounds easy right? Well it is and isn't. Click the spoiler to find out why.

    Base Player traits include

    no shields

    50% damage dealt
    125% damage resistence
    300% speed
    normal gravity
    No jump height
    Primary Weapon Rocket launcher
    2 frags
    Bottomless clip rocket launchers!

    If you didn't get that, go and read it again. That's right. BOTTOMLESS CLIP! Now you all are thinking "Why Zow, this is too unfair, this could mean spawn camping and it would make it too hard to get skulls." But most spawns are in midair and it's quite easy to collect skulls and keep them considering a single well timed evade can take you AROUND the Barrel TWICE!

    two 7 minute rounds. Go to 25 skulls each. Blow up your friends, take some skulls, and.... DO A BARREL ROLL!

    Now onto the part most skipped to, or maybe read to legitimately.

    Picture time.

    Breakdown of skeletal structure of this [​IMG]

    Even a real monkey loves this game.


    ...despite the fact I kick his ass every time.

    Don't forget to Download the Map and gametype

  2. feartehstickman

    feartehstickman Forerunner

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    What a great concept! Monkeys + barrel rolls + splosionz = Win!
    I can see some memorable custom games taking place here.
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Zow, I love this game! I cant describe how this game is great but yet great even more. The concept is amazing, gameplay undescribable and aesthetics beautiful. All I can really is simply great job.
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ^So Much Win^

    But at any rate, I've played this many times wth you, and while I can't fathom why you would change it to rockets only, it is still a hilarious and enjoyable game. A job well done.
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Thx for the feedback. I hope you enjoy playing with ur friends. Blow some people up
  6. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I WANT MEH BANNANA!!!!!!!1!1!11!!!111111!
    lol this was a chaotic (trading cards) game and i enjoyed every minute of it. and zows probably the only one who will get the bannana thing... inside jokes are fun. I love the barrel rolling too. its the best part!
    #6 Talons013, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    When I make the pro gametype i will add it in. Lol geez
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know it's a Zow Jr map because he's the only person left in this earth who still wears Operator. ;)

    Anyway, this looks like a great concept for a minigame. Simple, chaotic, and hilarious. I'll download it and give you a full review later today.
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Awesome. But wouldn't it be possible to go to the sides and spawnkill everybody?
  10. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah I'm the only one left. Last man standing.

    Yes I hope you can get a good review up for his map. Enjoy

    Nope. Well it's not a probelm. What with 300 speed spawns that are in the air and rockets going evrywhere, you would find it difficult to spawnkill
    #10 Zow Jr, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    I played this game during TGIF and Darth Human made some improvements to the gametype. Instead of rocket launchers the players had focus rifles and swords. That was much better than rocket launchers. I suggest to change the map to this and possibly even edit a bit more to making scoring not quite so easy (Maybe decrease the size of the scoring zone). If you make these changes I can definitely see Barrel Full of Monkeys being a great game.

    Thanks to Rorak Kuroda on the originality section, by the way.


    Barrel Full of Monkeys


    Barrel Full of Fun, as the map name is called, utilizing a simple well known game culture meme, “do a barrel roll”. Peppy Hare would be proud of this map as players must, “do a barrel roll”, to score. The concept and play space encourage great gameplay but the gametype, unfortunately, gets in the way of this map being a new mini-game favorite.

    Players must score twenty-five skulls in order to win. This seems like an easy number to achieve, especially if there are a lot of players in the party, but in practice scoring is slow. The reason, rocket launchers and the nature in which skulls are scored. If these two areas were tweaked, Barrel Full of Monkeys would be a TGIF classic.

    Player speed is increased three hundred percent, jump height is removed, and players have infinite use of evade. The end result, the only real movement players have is to barrel roll. The scoring zone is the entire ceiling area of the map. While this system ups the challenge factor, it also makes the rocket launcher a poor choice to actually carry out the kills. Rockets are slow ammunition, so by the time the shot is lined up and fired, the target would have most likely moved on. This makes getting kills essentially random which really slows down the game. This game does not do well once slowed down.

    The second problem, the actual scoring in the scoring system. Head hunter is a fine gametype and players do need to score somewhere but having the entire upper section of the play-area be the goal means once players do get a skull, there is no stopping them from scoring. In execution all of the killing only happens on the bottom, flat section of the map and occasionally on the slanted bottom sections. There needs to be a balance in being able to score and how hard it is to kill people for this game to be truly enjoyable.

    Past the annoyance of dealing with the slow rocket launcher and the fact that it is near impossible to stop anyone from scoring once they have a skull, the gameplay is enjoyable. Flying through the air, bouncing off of slanted walls, and doing a complete circle around the map is a generally great feeling. It is just a shame the gametype stuff gets in the way of what could have been a real gem.



    Barrel Full of Fun is a free-for-all style game which means every player has an equal chance to win. As killing people is almost completely luck driven it does not matter if someone has played this game a hundred times before or it is their first time.

    As previously mentioned, the balance between difficulty in killing other players, and ease of scoring once a skull has been collected is just not there. The bottom floor effectively becomes the death zone with people just spraying it with rocket launcher fire until they get a kill. Then a dash to the center to pick up whatever skulls might have been dropped ensues. Players cannot linger to long during this stage because more rockets are sure to descend on those looking to collect the skulls. The result is players will rarely have any more than one to three skulls at any point in the game. Of course, once they have those skulls it is almost impossible to stop them as once the player uses their evade and starts bouncing off the walls they are essentially “home free”.



    Barrel Full of Fun is completely enclosed making escape impossible. There is no framerate lag resulting from the forge piece design however the nature of having so many rockets on screen can occasionally slow down the match. The game must render all the particle effects resulting from the rocket launcher collisions and with a full party of people that can cause lag. This is by no fault of the map designer and is just a point of interest to know for full parties of people.

    There is a spherical object in the center of the play-area which seems to serve no purpose other than to provide a place for players to land on. This gives players who happen to get a lucky bounce off of a wall onto the spherical object a height advantage over the rest of the playing field. These players then can rain down rockets on the players below. These stationary targets are not that difficult to dispatch of but given the challenging nature of killing people in this game it is questionable why there is any object in the center at all.

    Another frustrating occurrence is suicide. Player movement is three hundred percent faster which means there is a real possibility that the rockets players shoot could end up hitting them if they decide to move toward the path of their rocket. Not only can players end up killing themselves with their own rockets but suicide can also occur by slamming into the flat sides of the map. There is no suicide penalty for score but it is still frustrating when it occurs.



    The map is of simple design. It is essentially a giant barrel. The left and right side of the map are two flat walls. Between these walls are slanted flat faces going all the way around the play-area. Everything is smoothly forged and no lips or edges are around to slow player movement.

    The center spherical object looks nice, and it does serve some basic line-of-sight blocking function but it makes little aesthetic sense. The design of this map is fashioned after a barrel. Barrels do not have spheres within them. Other than this aesthetic oddity the map does look good. It could use a little bit of color though as everything has that forerunner grey look.



    Barrel Full of Monkeys offers an entirely new dynamic to circular arena maps. That is, that it is a sideways circular arena. It is not often that players fight in such intense and strange scenarios, where a player can at any moment be underneath you, and in another moment, directly above you. It is this dynamic which creates an entire new perspective on how to win a game. Capturing skulls becomes reliant upon your ability to quickly observe your surroundings, rather than your ability to defeat an enemy. Luck rears its ugly head, and like a twisted game of Mario Party, no matter how good your strategy is, there's still every possibility of losing the game. In addition, instead of taking ideas used in previous maps or halo games, Barrel Full of Monkeys took Reach's functions and changed them to maximize the hectic style of gameplay which all Halo players crave.

    However, the innovation does come to a screeching halt when the ideas themselves are analytically considered. Since the Dawn of Halo, mini-games often choose to simply take all player traits and make them as ridiculous as possible, which is fun, but becomes very repetitive. Barrel Full of Monkeys does well to refine these core ideas to add new spins in new directions to the mundane pool of hectic mini-games, but because of the core mechanics, gameplay does become stale. An old spoon can be twisted many ways, but no matter the twist or turn it takes, it is still a spoon.


    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30
    Balance: 5 x 3.0 = 15 out of 30
    Durability: 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    Originality: 8 x 1.0 = 8 out of 10

    Final Score


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    #11 PacMonster1, May 8, 2011
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  12. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I just did everything suggested this morning. Seems to be better but I am uploading the newer version soon.

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