Ok, so I'm in the process of making a new map called Metropolis (<-- If looking at the map would help.) And since the LoS's are extremely long in some spots, and it's fairly room based, it's hard to set up a spawn system without a lot of spawn zones. Now, you have a limited number of spawn zones, so I was gonna make an asymmetrical and a symmetrical spawn system so it could play all kinds of gametypes. So I was wondering, which gametypes are asymmetric and which are symmetric? Here are the once I was to set it up for... Team Slayer - Asymmetric Oddball - Asymmetric KotH - Asymmetric CTF (Multi) - Symmetric Neutral Assault - Symmetric 3-plots - Symmetric unless "style" is set to Asymmetric Stockpile - Asymmetric FFA - Asymmetric Thanks to MockKnizzle for helping me fill that in! ...And probably a few more, but if you could help me full in these blanks, that'd be great! Oh, on one more question... Can you use a hill marker as a spawn zone? Like, set it as Ctf_Res_Zone, and what not? And if so, what kind of influence would it have? Would it act as a weak respawn zone, or a normal respawn zone? Thanks for your time!
I started typing a description for each of those, then I remembered the Bnet group: ForgeWorld. Lots of info on setting up each gametype. As for respawn zones, don't use them for; Slayer, Oddball or KotH. Respawn zones are good for gametypes with fixed objectives, which those 3 (of the ones you listed) don't have, your targets move around (other players, the ball or the hill). I set up a map with respawn zones for 2 teams in Oddball. Unfortunately, one team got the ball and got it further in to their own respawn zone. The other team never had a chance of getting the ball because they always spawned on the other side of the map! Also:
I haven't gone into depth investigating this in Reach, but in H3 it was considered asymmetrical (for purposes of spawning in items so designated in Forge) simply if the game variant actually involved taking turns. If you hear the announcer say "offense" or "defense" at the start of a round, than it's asymmetrical. So, CTF, Assault, and Territories could be either, depending on the particular version you use. Things like Neutral Assault are symmetrical, as are all Slayer variants. I'm fairly sure that this distinction is unchanged in Reach, but as I said I haven't actually checked to be 100%. edit: it's hard to remember but Infection may have been the one exception to the rule.
Taken directly from Bnet:ForgeWorld: Rocket Race - Asymmetric Rally - Asymmetric Race - Asymmetric Headhunter - FFA Symmetric, Team Asymmetric Stockpile - Asymmetric Territories - Symmetric unless "style" is set to Asymmetric Oddball - Asymmetric KotH - Asymmetric Juggernaut - Asymmetric Invasion Slayer - Symmetric Slayer - Asymmetric CTF - Multi and Neutral Flag Symmetric, One Flag Asymmetric Assault - Multi and Neutral Bomb Symmetric, One Bomb Asymmetric Infection - Asymmetric Invasion - Asymmetric
Thanks a ton, Mock. All of those (except Territories) were exactly what I wanted them to be. But, what do you guys think, you're playing 3-plots on a symmetric map, and do you want to spawn everywhere, or just on your half of the map? And Indie, slayer is asymmetric, wtf is up with that, right? Lol. But I'm glad it is, so lucky me, huh? And White, you ALWAYS use respawn zones because if you don'tm you'll have people spawning looking at eachother, which will lead to people complaining, "I'm getting spawn killed. Waaaahhh! This map has terrible spawns!" So, you always use spawn zones. It's not that I'm trying to get them to spawn in their own base, I'm trying to get them to spawn out of harm's way. (lol) Thanks everyone!
Territories is asymmetric. 3 plot and land grab are symmetric. I have no idea what you mean by "style". I don't recall a property by that name. Were the values you presented from a number of pages, or just one page? If just one page, can you supply the URL? When you look at headhunter as an objective game, you come to the conclusion that team and FFA are backward. HH is the only FFA game that is symmetric, while HH team is the only logically symmetrical game listed as asymmetric. I believe this was a bug that got past Bungie. There is no other explanation. HH team is properly a symmetrical game, just like two flag or two bomb. The only reason team slayer is not symmetrical is because it does not involve objectives. I agree, I would have listed it as symmetrical. I listed all of the settings I found and a quick discussion on Head Hunter at my blog.
Territories: Bungie.net : ForgeWorld : Article The "style" option is found under Game Settings/Territories Options/Style. Headhunter: Bungie.net : ForgeWorld : Article I do agree that team/ffa HH are probably listed backwards, though.