
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Spenceb7, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Spenceb7

    Spenceb7 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Downhill is a very simple yet fun map. Each team spawns on top of their own base (as seen below) with 2 warthogs and 2 mongooses. The best gametypes to be played on this map are Neutral flag ctf and king of the hill. the more people you have the better this map gets. I tried to make it work with all gametypes except invasion and ffa so feel free to try out other gametypes if you're so inclined. It's fairly easy to get the point of so I don't know what else to say... Gameplay video then some pictures! Thanks again to xXSushiSanXx for the render!

    YouTube - Downhill Gameplay

    This is what all teams see but from their own base:

    Usually what happens first time down the hill:

    Stopping the green team from returning their flag home:
    #1 Spenceb7, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  2. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    You can easily do so much more with this gametype and map. for one thing make the edges smoother so that you dont fall of as easily in the warthog. and for two things, add asthetics. make the map look beter and that dl count will go up faster then what you'd expect.
  3. Spenceb7

    Spenceb7 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm not quite understanding what edges you're talking about... Perhaps in the center area? Also, I wasn't sure what aesthetics to add, basically, I just put it out for gameplay. If you'd be willing to help me out maybe you could get into forge with me tomorrow afternoon and show me some stuff?

    P.S. I'm not an annoying 12 year old so don't worry about that.
  4. xXSushiSanXx

    xXSushiSanXx Forerunner

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    If you don't mind, I think i might download it and tweak it a little to make it slightly more appealing to a broader audience (adding aesthetics and smoothing things out that need polishing), I'll link it here if i get an okay from you :)

  5. Spenceb7

    Spenceb7 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah that would be fine. I usually have good layouts but I lack the creativity of making it look really appealing. I'm excited to see where it goes!

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