Don't EMP Me Bro

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Transhuman Plus, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    "Created by CaMOfo, corduroyCHUCK, The Texan83, lron Tusk and Transhuman Plus."​


    Today is special. Years from now, you'll be telling your thalidomide soaked half-frog children about the day Don't EMP Me Bro was released, and they'll be so enthralled in your stories that their eyes will be bulging, not just because they were born like that.

    Don't EMP Me Bro is a much more balanced version version of Rocket Race, where instead of Rockets the gunners must use carefully timed grenade launcher shots in order to EMP and disable other drivers.


    Unless you're podracing, sparks like this are bad.


    You do not want your mongoose flipped over.


    In each of the map's corners there is a jump that allows you to make a shortcut to a checkpoint, but it's high-risk, high-reward. There's no guarantee you'll have enough momentum to make the jump, or that you'll ever stop.


    If you're wondering, Pink team didn't get the checkpoint...


    Don't EMP Me Bro (Gametype)

    Lily Pad Track (Custom Map)

    Lily Pad Track (Large) (Custom Map)


    (Thanks to Nemihara, TEETMAR, Stouf761, the dropbounce, echo K9 and QKT for helping test the map.)​
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol I got co-creator.

    Love this game man. All those late night testing sessions and random just for the hell of it variants we went through. Being launched all the way across the map due to someones well timed grenade. Chuck rallying the other teams to only volley with me because he couldn't win otherwise. Being frustrated as hell and screaming at my TV when I get EMP'd mere INCHES from getting the check point. Good times good times.

    We even went through withdraws while you were out of the game because of the hurricane lol.
    #2 Waylander, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  3. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    OMG its the map from Super mario kart.. it was my favorite.. this looks a lot more fun than rocket fight. much more skill involved. i like it!
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Amazing. Simply amazing. Helping test this was a blitz..
    I honestly can't think of anything being better (except maybe a tree):p
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    The grenade launcher did seem nice in rocket hog race. You've got my download. The only thing I would suggest is the addition of aesthetics. As sad as it sounds, in the beginning moments of a game, aesthetics>gameplay (since there is no gameplay to be had). It can instantly turn someone off from a map; they may think that the look of it is a reflection of the gameplay.The only other thing I can mention is that I'm not sure whether tight corners should be the way to go. Not exactly easy to maintain high-speed gameplay with those (which most tend to factor when they consider a gametype like this).
  6. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Honestly, there is nothing that can be done aesthetics wise for the map with out deterring for the gameplay, unless you want giant **** and balls floating about the map.

    If you look at the pictures you will see the size of the mongooses compared to the size of the blocks used, the corners are not that tight. They work very well for the map and help with risk/reward factors if you decide to use the outside instead of the inside of the track.

    With the inner part it is easier to navigate, but that is where the bulk of the traffic is, but with the outside you stay away from that, but have to be a better driver to compensate for it.

    Shuman, I love this map and game type, and I hope I can help you on making skyscraper badass.
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The tight corners are actually pretty hard to screw up, and I wouldn't change it even if they were. One of the many things Don't EMP Me Bro has going for it (Compared to Rocket Race) is the simplicity.

    Not only does it make you completely familiar with the map in about 30 seconds, but you don't have to worry about flipping on some bumpy ground or getting caught on unnecessary rock fixtures.

    The fact that your gunner has a grenade launcher completes the package. You're so much more appreciative of everything your gunner does while driving, and while gunning, there's a bitter humour as you stall an enemy just long enough to sweep the checkpoint from under their feet. Players are much more of a team than they are in Rocket Race.

    Short version: It's fun.

    The more the merrier.
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Tight corners just mean more drifting.
  9. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    One of my favorite mini-games of all time.. I love all the changes made from the start to it's final product. It seems like if any of the bros are together then it's an automatic dream team. Me, you, Chuck, Texan, and Tusk need to stay on seperate teams or there'll be endless volleys, haha. And the larger version is my favorite by far, you land the jumps so clean and it seems like people don't volley as much either. Love this game.

    Shuman, you did so well. derp.
  10. Ryhorne

    Ryhorne Forerunner

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    Awesome Game! You got my download, but i thought it needed a bit more jumps and maybe some explosives under the jumps so the enemy can shoot it.
    Otherwise EPIC game play!
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    By far my favorite thing about this map was the jump ramps. They're a little confusing at first, but after playing it, they become almost essential to playing it. As long as you know what you're doing (and as long as nobody EMPs you right as you jump) it's pretty much impossible to screw up.
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    theyre the risky shortcuts of the map. heh. theyre so much better than ARCED WALLS (camo). this is one of those games that gives you that "so close yet so far" feeling as you're inches from a checkpoint but emp'd. When i play i literally rock in my chair because i instinctively think the dead mongoose will rock forward like we're playing kinect. drifting through a group of bastards emp'ing each other is another feeling altogether: I AM MONGOOSE GOD

    great map fosho, truly shuman's baby. the rest of us were just there adding bells and whistles to shuman's creation. you DID do so well shuman.
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i came all over this map after furiously masturbating with my robot arm.

    no seriously, great job on this guys
    it was excellent throughout all of its iterations.
  14. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    yep I remember getting drug into a test of this. Chuck was riding on my back and I was complaining about the confusing layout and he was like 'chill bra, give it time.' And I was all like 'I'm not your bra.'

    But by the end of the game I was gleeful. The map made perfect sense after about a minute. It's like Rocket Race except that instead of when someone is about to score, you're like 'stop right there, explode, and go to hell', it's more like 'stop right there mister. I don't want to have to hurt you, this is for your own good. I'll make this as painless as possible. just stop.' Loads of fun.

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