Hi. I posted a thread about modded maps a while ago. It was widely agreed that they aren't really that fun/playable, and not worth the 'risk' to play. However, someone pointed out that it was good, as soon people may start making modded maps that really affect gameplay. Now, this has started happening. Shown in the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSgA8n0QSJk There's a number of mods, but the incredible one is just after 3 minutes in- it's a frigate on Sandtrap. It's pretty cool, as you can walk on it and inside the ship hangar and stuff. Setting it up with some spawn points for infection could make for some interesting gameplay. So yeah, thoughts? Also, here are some other pretty recent mods.. but they don't affect gameplay too much apart from the Valhalla one. Pelicans on The Pit and Rats Nest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SLOe3a6f Snow on Valhalla (not a mod apparently): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtT5uukENzw Narrows with flying vehicles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShW1d5EiyeA
As long as they dont a matchmaking or any important matches etc. Modders should be left as they are creating maps even though Microsoft dont like that because you can only really get a positive outcome out of feats like the sandtrap frigate , that made me and surely some other people say "wow , thats awesome!" imagine how epic people's maps can be when you could forge with that!
It says "access is denied" when i try to download the sandtrap frigate one could someone post a link to their fileshare or something?
I've always hoped that someone with modding abilities could mad their own map, then put it on their Xbox to play as an actual map on their system. That would be really cool. To bad Bungie doesn't like people doing that. I hope that they could release a map creator if ever, although forge is amazing right now.
forge is not amazing, the only way we can do decent things is to use glitches and in the end it still looks quite ugly. It's such an inconvenient system to make a map, making it wayy too time consuming and complicated. It's a nice treat to have on top of halo 3, but really, it's terrible. Releasing a map creator is highly unlikely (it will never happen), it would be a waste of time to make. We'll just have to wait and see what these modders can really do
Hey emoasiangirl or anyone else could you put the pelican map on your fileshare for a day or even for an hour so everyone else could get it?
Yea, I was hoping not to hear that, but it would be cool though. I hope they release one after they stop creating new maps, but probably not, although I've quite sure that if they release one for Halo 3 PC, I'm going to buy Halo 3 for the PC even though I'm very sure my computer won't be able to run it. *sad*
ok if somebody could post the frigate one in there fileshare that would be great because i dl the shadow lag one and it sucks the frigates are in the ground =C
I don't think anyone wants to get their Bungie account banned. And the only one I found a little impressive is the Valhalla Snow one. Simple texture switching, really.
Actually the snowy Valhalla was the original concept for Valhalla. But they changed it to have less snow because of Snowbound already being a snow map. Valhalla still has some snow but only really up top on the cliffs. So it's not a mod, just pictures of the first concepts of Valhalla... Not so impressive now is it...
Now that I started thinking straight, I remember that it's against the rules to post links to modded content. You get a 3-day warning.