It's ultimate track around the penultimate battle of ultimate destiny The great Funkzilla was a kind and gentle overlord until he sneezed and destroyed many continents and planets. The great survivors united to battle the almighty Funkzilla and put an end to the snotpocalypse. Unfortunately Funkzilla decided to just stop time while he went out for a cigarette. While away he met a lovely platypus whom he married and moved in with. She was a very strict wife though and wouldn't let Funkzilla do any supreme conquering for the rest of eternity. Today in the outskirts of Mt Funk, the great survivors remain frozen in time after their not so epic battle. The area is now open for tours for those that want to fight them with their exhaust fumes. Pictures: Scuba Steve the super cool turtle Bob the snail from Halo 3. He became anorexic after he couldn't fit in his shell. The child of Funkzilla and the platypus. His parents dumped him here for a time out since he's quite hyperactive. Lily the flying pig that had too much to eat Twisty tracky thingy The pirates from Porkchop Cove and their loyal shark fins The giant kraken that likes to eat your chocopuffs Get flushed to the top of the world A UFO from the planet Funkyschnitzel Huge leap into the pirate ship Out of the ship and onto the pier Overview Another overview Download when ready
This map is crazy!!! I love all the random asthetics around the map, and the turtle is by far my favourite. As far as actual gameplay is concerned, I'm not sure about the massive jump onto the ship, as it seems quite a long way down, and so some people may not make the jump and end up very far behind. I'm also not so keen on the toilet as I don't think teleporters in race maps help the track flow very well, but as this is more of a fun track, those ponits are heavily outweighed by the sheer awesomenes of this map. Cool map bro
Very creative map. May not be the most aesthetic map, but very fun and my friends cracked smiles. Nice job.
The massive jump works fine every time unless you purposely make it fail. Also teleporters are fine if you know how to use them in tracks properly. The scenery may seem random but they're actually a collaboration of my inside jokes so a few people will understand the meaning behind them. Except the kraken, pirates and ufo. They just look awesome.