This awesome map is a new map by hodgie 0250, it was origonally made to replace the terrible paradiso that recked invasion although seclusion doesnt work with invasion it is still compatable with capture the flag and also both slayer and team slayer. This map has three bases, red, blue and a neutral base equiped with both vehicles and heavy weaponary to take out said vehicles. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
1. You need pics. I don't have the info on how to post them but someone should tell you. 2. What kind of weapons and vehicles? 3. Where the heck is your map? 4. Is this map even playtested? No one will look at your map until you provide this information, trust me. Please write an actual summary of your map. A run-on sentence and a bunch of "h"s don't count as a summary. Your post will be locked in 24 hours if you don't post 3-5 screenshots (is that right?).
Yes. But please, don't post about pictures unless you have links to help him out. Some people could consider this spam. As for the OP, I'm pretty dissapointed. The whole reason we have the "500+ character" thing going on is to prevent crap posts like yours. It was not made to encourage random h-spamming. I'd recomend you fix up your post to meet Forgehub's standards. If you can't do so within 24 hours, a Moderator will Lock your post. Here's a list of things you ****ed up. This is basically copy-pasted from the "Mandatory Read Before Posting" thread at the very top of the same forum you posted this in. All map posts require at least one embeded picture or video. Add a description of at least 500 characters. (it's easy) Give information about your map. ~ More information and help on embedding pictures can be found at this link ~ Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great map post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction. Cheers, HarisSales.