After looking through every Halo Wars map I could find, none of them were accurate enough. With this in mind I decided to create my own. I'm really low on blocks so any suggestions would be better if almost no blocks were involved. THe Covanent base is going to have absolutely no blocks because of the shortage. Overveiw Falcon= Airpad Spawn point= Barracks Crates= Supply pads Scorpion= Vehicle depot Gav lift= Reactor Baricade= Otherr building (I can never remember the name) Close up of the firebase. The turret so far. I could use some help with the turrets. I would show some pics of the interior but last night so weid glitch happened and the Warthogs started to duplicate themselfs. I would really appreciate tips, expecially with the turret, remember, I'm really low on blocks. I'm planning on making some extra reactors and supply elevators somewhere on the map. A couple questions: Is there any way to simulate supplies, or make it so that when you controll the reactor you advance a teir? I want players to have an advantage for capturing and holding these buildings. Also, is there any way to simulate leader powers? I might just make it so that you have a small chance of spawning on a platform with a power up and a SL/FR and be abe to shoot below, like Cleansing beam and MAC cannon. That's all for now, I'll add pics of the Covenant base soon.
nice! i once attempted to make a halo wars one, but the project lost interest. Though i dont see how the covenant cant come in a steal some power vehicles? also any weapons thoughout the phases? or are they only load outs?
Thanks! There is a 1 way shield in front of the bas, and if they somehow get past that the teleporters are receivers only.
Try using a Warthog Turret as Turret. And also place a Human Ship above the middle of the Map that can be reached by a Teleporter and from there you have access to Air Strikes(Droppable Fusion Coils?) or Laser Strike(Splaser)and ODST Drop Pods. Maybe you could make it Invasion Slayer and give both teams at the begginning a chance to open ONE of the three leader doors which would give them acccess to special stuff. P.S: Try blocking off the Human Ship in half so you have one Teleporter leading to the Drop Pods and another one to the Laser Cannon.
That's a good idea, but unless I can do some more for the Covenant I'll only do mac cannonc or air strikes.
I would look at this for ideas. It replicates Halo Wars gameplay extremely well, and is one of the coolest ideas I've seen. Add in your base design, and you have a winner.
Not at all, but be aware that I may try to recreate this on the bigger maps like Breakpoint. That wouldn't really work in Reach. Plus I would rather players didn't have to sit in a box because the commander thought they weren't important.
Since this is based off a RTS, I figure you're going for the slow, strategic gameplay, in which case I think some minefields are in order. That would also help prevent enemy heavy vehicles like tanks that need a wide gap in a minefield from just driving up to the enemy base and camping.
I'll definately add afew ines, but I'm also going to take the damage % down to make it go a little slower aswell. Also I really need a way to simulate supplies and advance a teir when the reactor is controlled.
Invasion and invasion slayer are the onlymaps that use tiers, and I suggest usin these anyways because it enables Spartans vs elites. Invasion slayer would prbably be best because that has weapon drops and is synmetrical. In regard to the damage resistance and damage modifier, you might want to raise damage resistance instead of lowering the damage modifier so drop shields don't become too powerful and trip mines aren't an instant kill
I'm using Invasion Slayer currently. But I need a way for the team that controls the reactor is a teir ahead as long as it's controlled.
I see you tried to make a Halo Wars map, I am too! Except mine is for Invasion Slayer, has a bigger UNSC base and a Covenant base (Which kinda sucks) my UNSC base is quite good if I must say so myself, good luck on your map, hope it turns out great.
Try Invasion Skirmish. And i would also recommend putting the Dmg Resistance and Damage higher in the same ratio so it only applies against Vehicles. If you could make an Halo Wars map that focuses more on aerial combat, then i would recommend adding a Gauss Warthog(Onager).
What's Invasion Skirmish exactly (I've heard of it but never played on it). I'll probably do the damage thing, thanks for the tips.