Pipedream Creator: THE Fuglystick Map Name: Forge World Track Name: Pipedream Checkpoint Count: 15 Average Lap Time: 1: 47 Description: Pipedream is my first attempt at a stunt track. At about 1:45, this track has a pretty hefty lap time. The map opens with an enclosed area full of intersections which make for some pretty hectic moments in these tight areas. At the end of the enclosure there is a front flip down that takes you to a big drift turn, which happens to go around a Joshua. After that, you get down to water level on some pipeline, but be careful about taking your turns to widely or you might slip off the outer edge! There is also a perpendicular midair intersection that leads racers up to a second front flip that flips you upwards instead of downwards. You then get back on the pipeline for a bit before you take an Accelerator style incline(inspired by blademonkey/gotcha XD) that leads to two rolling hills before you wind up back at the start. Note: The frontflips work perfectly if your mongoose is straightened as you enter the shield doors. If you go in at an angle, it increases the likelihood of the shield doors making you flip wildly. I wish I had a better system to make it more reliable, but this is the best I could manage. Video: Pipedream Pictures: What inspired your creation? I've been wanting to make a stunt map since around December. For ideas, I drew on inspiration from forgers like blademonkey and very sneaky sir, as well as bringing back an idea that I had originally intended to put into my previous map, Cobalt Circuit. How long did it take to create? I didn't keep count, but I'd estimate its taken close to 20 hours over the past two weeks or so. What aspect took you the longest to get right? The front flips. The shield doors start to do weird things when you get too many of them too close too each other. I spent a lot of time tweaking each front flip to maximize its performance. Its not perfect, but its the best I've been able to do with what I have. Just remember to enter the shield doors as straight as possible. Download Here
I must say, this map and you sir are showing gods promise. The is one part of the track I don't like is the part inside where instead of going straight on you have to make a hard right turn.
Do you mean the area where you first enter the inside section? If so then yes, that turn does sneak up on racers unfortunately. I did my best to help racers by putting that berm in place right as you enter the building entrance, but it was hard to give racer's time to prepare for that turn. I've found it helps to tap or hold the L trigger as you start to enter the turns as well.
fantastic work my friend. The front flips look great and those rolling hills are pretty cool. you got yourself a good map here
Definitely my favorite stunt track to date, the only thing I didn't like was the sharp turn at the crossover jump section, other than that, great job. I loved the Joshua, by the way.
i havent been having much fun on recent race maps recently, but this one finally made me say this was fun. i especially liked the driving on the outside of the inclined staircases and how they cross paths and that jump inbetween them. asthetics were light, but pleasing
Whoa, nice flipping machines. I love the tracks that have them in them. Great job making the 3 pathways. I definatly like you theme. The "pipes" could be cleaned up a bit if possible though.