Highland Fort

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Locke087, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Here it is after literally thousand's of hours of testing I bring to the very final version of Highland fort. I would like to thank everyone who tested with me whale I slowly got rid of the framrate issues and made gameplay improvements allowing me to bring to you guys the first asymmetrical, symmetrical map.

    Rendered Gameplay vid
    Entire Round for download


    Blue Base
    Red Base
    Dried up creek
    Inside main blue base
    Two way teleport to

    Soft kill zones:

    This map is a little of a odd ball it is made for CTF and Assault and i entered it under CTF in the contest. It plays everything else expect invasion and race. So why did I call it odd it's because even though it is completely even teams the map handles asymmetrical just as well a as a asymmetrical map, and gives a unique experience depending on which team you are on. The teams in no way are lopsided both have 3 entrances and exits but they are different sizes and have have different way to invade.

    Weapon Setup:
    2 Dmrs 30 ST
    2 needle rifles 30 ST
    2 Plasma pistol 30 ST
    2 Shotguns 30 ST
    2 Plasma rifles 30 ST
    1 Sniper rifle 60 ST
    1 Focus rifle 60 ST
    1 Grenade launcher 75 ST
    6 Frag grenades 10 ST
    6 Plasma grenades 10 ST

    Highland Fort

    Please download, rate, and comment
    #1 Locke087, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  2. LH Shadows 052

    LH Shadows 052 Forerunner

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    This is looking from the pics to be a great map, sorry i can't download this because my computer is not downloading it to halo reach, it is in the active downloads when it starts working...anyway this map reminds me of the great forging from halo 3s' end. this map is really cool and i'll give it a 5/5. great job we should forge sometime. check my GamerTag i'm online a lot...
  3. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment keep them coming please remember to dl if you like my map. it is my map for forgetacutar, So your guys support would enjoyed :)
  4. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very beautiful map. I love the design. The dried up creek makes the map and is why I'm keeping it. I also love the unique bases, it's a good map you've built here.

    My only problem, and it's a huge one, the weapon placement needs work. Power weapons are too abundant, too easily accessed, and their spawn times are too quick. One example is the sniper on the tower with the shotgun underneath it, with spawns fast enough you can camp. The weapon placement might be fine for bigger team games, but where there's only you and a few others... not so much.

    Try to put powerful weapons in places that either aren't risky and it can't be used right away, like a Rl in a tunnel, or in places that are risky and it can be used right away, like a Rl in a empty creek. You want people to have to go grab the sniper, run to the good snipe spot, try to snipe, maybe get a few kills. That's just my experience.

    Otherwise, great map, I'm keeping it. =]

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