Wrath of the dark Spartans: Episode One

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by locoidontknow, May 8, 2008.

  1. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    Wrath of the Dark Spartans

    Episode 1: A Snowballs Chance in Hell

    After the war, Earth was bruised and battered. Even though the world had just defeated an alien race, mankind was turning upon one another. Starvation, greed, and anger ran rampant throughout destroyed cities. Armies of criminal organizations fed on the weak and helpless. Destructive military vehicles and weapons lay around for the taking. Evil men killed and raped for pleasure. Order had to be restored.
    The Marines decided to re enlist the Spartan program. Not wanting to use any more good men, they decided to use an advanced cloning technique borrowed from Covenant scientists. The factory was set up in a location in Brazil, deep in the rainforest. Our doctors and scientists spent one year developing a group of 8 clones. They were named Alpha squad.
    The team was almost complete when one scientist suggested they make Alpha squad stronger and faster then the original Spartans. The others agreed and Alpha squad was injected with an advanced steroid chip. The results were phenomenal! They were an elite fighting unit capable of handling any challenge. The clones Spartans were stronger, faster, and more alert then the originals.
    Unfortunately the chips had an adverse effect. Alpha squad became very aggressive and angry towards the scientists. They stopped obeying orders realizing they were stronger then them. One day one of the Spartans grabbed a scientist and crushed his neck after the scientists tried to shut him down. The other scientists were terrified and locked Alpha squad in the room. On the way out one of the scientists called the Marines to inform them of the mishap. Not wanting to be involved with such a failure they torched the factory with Alpha squad inside.
    Even after a year the Marines had made little progress in shutting down the criminal organizations embedded deep in the cities. They still needed an elite fighting force. They decided to take their eight best men and suit them up as Spartans. Bravo team was formed.
    They immediately went to work cleaning up the streets with great success. City by city Bravo team disbanded the criminal organizations and restored order. They were viewed by some as angels sent from heaven. All was going as planned until one day they were stopped by a curious message on the radio. “This is alpha squad….We need help, please….”
    The message was reported to the Marines and Bravo team was ordered to go to the site of the destroyed factory. Upon arrival all they could see was a destroyed building. Steel and bricks lay blackened on the ground. Then from the trees emerged 8 figures. The suits they wore were the same as Bravo teams. Speechless, Bravo team stared at the Spartans as they walked towards them. Then one spoke in a deep voice, “We are Alpha squad. You left us to die and feel pain that should only be felt in the pits of hell. Your kind will die for your sins. Our precious Maria will make sure of it.”
    From behind the speaker a huge metal box with Maria painted on the side in blood emerged. Bravo team opened fire. The Spartans returned with brutal accuracy and force. Bravo team knew they were over whelmed out in the open. Bravo team leader called the retreat, but before he ran he managed to throw a locating chip on the Alphas squads precious Maria.
    Narrowly escaping with their lives Bravo team reported back to the Marines and were ordered to follow and stop Alpha squad at all cost. Bravo team located the Alpha squad in a base deep in Alaska. After several attempts to infiltrate the base, they were running low on weapons. Bravo team held up in a small makeshift base outside the fortress. The Marines had finally identified what Alpha squad was doing. They were detonating something!
    With a countdown timer on 6:00:00, Bravo team only had six minutes to diffuse whatever they were arming. The Marines informed Bravo team that the supply drop had been made, but only some of the supplies were dropped off. Alpha squad was firing at the Pelicans in full force. Another pass by and drop would be made in three minutes. Bravo teams mission; find what it is the dark Spartans are detonating, stop the detonation, and kill Alpha squad.

    This map is built to match the story. The base is very hard to get into, but you have cover sections as you head towards the base. At three minutes you have have a second supply drop that includes a hornet. The defending team starts losing ammo around this time so it evens it out. Plenty of different weapons scattered. The defenders have three aerial places to snipe or laser you from. The attackers goal is of course to capture the fortress. This map is all about teamwork and strategy. Lots of fun to play with alot of people. The gametype is only two rounds, six minutes a round. The defenders can take a little more damge and also regenerate health a little faster. A custom power up spaens at three minutes making one person extremely strong. There are a few hidden power ups to help the attackers. Please download this map and play along in the epic saga WRATH OF THE SPARTANS.
    #1 locoidontknow, May 8, 2008
    Last edited: May 8, 2008
  2. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    Its nice that you put a story to this map,but can you put a bit more details about your map and gametype?4/5
  3. killerpumpkin3

    killerpumpkin3 Ancient
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    it looks pretty good ill dl
  4. Tai Therin

    Tai Therin Ancient
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    Looks sorta sloppy to me. For instance from what I see, some of the shield doors are crooked, and the 'base' area looks kinda sloppy. Perhaps you should make some sort of bunker or base or something of the sort. Right now it looks rather barren... I do like the floating bases, however, it's been done before.
    #4 Tai Therin, May 8, 2008
    Last edited: May 8, 2008
  5. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Thought: 7/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Assortment (locations of spawns, weapons, etc.): 8/10
    Aesthetics: 2/10

    But remember- it's the thought that counts :D
    But yeah- just work on aesthetics a bit.
  6. provomit

    provomit Ancient
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    it looks good for a trial but put more thoght in to it i hope u come up wt a better one soon
  7. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    such a great story should have a great map
    yes this map is very fun to play and tactical

    just the look of the map could be better
  8. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    The story is good, as for the map, i think that it looks pretty sloppy, it looks as though youve thrown together a whole bunch of sheild doors, and the walls on the hill by the man cannons looks like itd be pretty easy to camp, but I do admire the little floating bases, most people just build inside of the cave, so good for you for escaping that area
  9. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    I appreciate all the feedback. I know the map looks kinda sloppy in the pics, but maybe I can give some explanation. The scattered boxes is a supply dropoff that was dropped off while being shot at. The walls are kind of random, even though some are crooked and not straight, it is because of shooting angles.
    Thanks for the comments on the story. Feel free to change this mapto make it better, I am also open to more suggestions instead of the walls for cover.
  10. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    It's an interesting story, but it doesn't take away from the fact that the map needs more work. Right now, it's just too big a map for such a tight battle. Maybe box off the other side? Also,this seems a bit more like a casual map to me. Anyone agree?
  11. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    The other side is not blocked off,butthere is no reason togo over there. The two tunnels are blocked off. Have you played it with any number of people yet? Its alot of fun the more people you have. Believe it or not alot of thought was put into weapons, respawn times, extra clips, and so on. As far as a camping spot, the defenders should be defending the base, if they want a man to come down to the attackers respawn area, then thats their stupidity for leaving their territory open.
  12. GoldenForger

    GoldenForger Ancient
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    Ok I see don't see the point to this map
  13. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    Thats funny, cause I dont see the point in your post. Download it and if you dont like it remember to check my refund policy on downloaded games. :)
  14. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    I added a few more details. Thanx.
  15. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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  16. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    great/excellent script but your map could use just little more detail! but u should get someone to use a capture card and make a movie out of that! that story line was amazing, but the unfortanitly the map doesnt look that creative... sorry
    Good Luck ( P.S. I might use that script cuz my buddy has a capture card... Can i use that script?... I will give credit to you if we film it ! Send me a message If i can or cannot use that story!)Sorry for being a little harsh its not that bad its just i dont really like floating bases as much as the next guy!

    Also i was wondering how do u get those pictures beside your name on the right of the web page? Like the avatar thing?? please tell me
    #16 OddWorld17, May 10, 2008
    Last edited: May 10, 2008
  17. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    The story - 5/5
    The map - 3/5

    I will give it a download and try it out.
  18. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Good Job, the floating platforms really pop out.
  19. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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  20. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hit me back after you try it out, thanks

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