Guardian Remake

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by DeStarfighter, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Guardian Remake (link to preview map added)

    Updated with Link to preview map!

    Also, this version have been tested by the Testers Guild.
    this is what they had to say about the map: Testers Guild Feedback

    Link to preview: Guardain Reach


    last week I got really tired of some of "reach" maps. I started to get nostalgic and found myself thinking back to halo 3 and of one of its most epic maps. . .GUARDIAN.
    so I downloaded a couple of gaurdian remakes thinking they might be good enough to fill that need. . . they didnt.

    anyway, even if the other remakes wasnt totally useless I started to build on my own version of this great map.
    and this is what I come up with:

    Guardian Reach:


    this map is not designed to be an exakt remake but it have about the same feel as the original and thats what I aimed for. Some of the buildings are designed a bit different as well as some jumps/rooms etc. but the general layout and weapon spawns are about the same.

    There have been some small frame rate issues on the map that Im currently trying to reduce as much as possible. but until I fixed it I will probably not post the actual map to halo reach competetive.
    altough I am going to give you guys a link to my fileshare with the preview map.

    be sure to post feedback after you've tested it ;P

    heres some other screenshots of the map.







    thanks for checking it out and I'll be sure to give some credit to the ppl that helped during testing/feedback on the post of the map.

    Link to preview: Guardain Reach
    #1 DeStarfighter, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    Honestly, I think you should take what you have and change it up even more. I like how you are trying to get the basic feel and game play of Guardian, yet adding some tweaks here and there to make it your own. I think you should go even further though and drastically redesign some of the features on the map. Really make it your own. I think it'd be interesting to play. Maybe add some features that accommodate the new armor abilities? ex: maybe ledges accessible by jetpacks ( which i fricken can't stand) in what used to be the gold room to act as perches to kill unsuspecting enemies below

    Just an idea. But you don't have to listen to a word I say. Your map would still get an A in my book, without any changes.
  3. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man. Im still trying some new features out for the map to make it work with reach. but im not a big fan of ledges only accesable with jetpack. even if I might have used them on some of my previus maps. . . hmm anyway, the map is far from done and I'm doing some minor changes everyday to make it work better :)

    thanks for the comment, appriciate it.
    #3 DeStarfighter, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  4. KBC Sh1ft

    KBC Sh1ft Forerunner

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    great map i tested it with a you and some other people deffenetly one to download :)

    [Original Quote removed]

    Edited by merge:

    great map i tried it out with you and some other players great map! highly recommend it to any one with a good sence of "whats good" and "whats not" thanks DEstarfighter!
    #4 KBC Sh1ft, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
  5. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the comment man :) but maybe you should edit your post so it doesnt have the entire thread in the quote ;P

    thanks ^^. its alot better now
    #5 DeStarfighter, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  6. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    this looks amazing! by far the best Guardian Remake I've seen! the asthetics looks nice and clean, the layout looks incredible accurate. :)
    I cant wait until the map is released!

    good work as allways!

    ps: we should all let you do all the remakes from now on ;P lol
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap bro I love the look of this! You have to let me have a look either in forge or custom games sometime. Maybe I could even make a suggestion... I dunno. Anyway, AWESOME WORK!! I fixed my internet so Ill be online tonight. :D
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting. You took the right turn in making this map different than the original. Just one thing. Can you still do the jumps from bottom yellow to top yellow, the one right at the shotty spawn, etc. ?

    If you can't, that's fine, but I really thought it made for some interesting plays. Also, have you done the jump you can do in between hammer spawn and sniper spawn? (some MLG pros don't even know about this one, it's probably the trickiest jump on Guardian.)

    Lastly, will there be any problems with framerate? I could see that being a problem, since many other Guardian remakes suffered from this problem.

    I'll go for some testing sessions when you're available. I recommend doing DMR starts, since that was a lot more preferable in Halo 3's Guardian (Although, the BR is a bit different).
  9. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Looks great so far! I really like that you set it in the Lagoon, it gives the remake a unique feel that really lends to how Guardian was. Nice job on the Brute Shot/Bubble Shield area. Your combination of natural pieces really nailed it. As you said, this isn't meant to be an exact remake, so I won't elaborate on some inconsistencies I noticed. Reach of course plays very differently from its predecessor, so I look forward to whatever you come up with as far as additional details go. Personally, I look forward to blasting enemies off the map with the Concussion Rifle >:D Good luck!
  10. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really like the direction you're going with this. Maybe Reach will FINALLY have agreat Guardian remake/redesign? You should totally put this in the Testers' Guild man, I'd love to play it.
  11. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man :) we shall have a forgethru and a custom game going on this soon ;P

    Its hard to tell exactly what jumps you mean because I wasnt such a experienced player when I played halo 3 ^^
    but to start with the first one. if you mean the "golden" lift its there. I wouldnt count on jumping up where the shotgun is. (unless with jetpack)

    I havent gone into so much details that all old jumps work on this map. I figured that if ppl play this one often enough they will realise that it gives alot of new opportunities with new tactical jumps :)

    in the beginning I had some problems with frame rate but I have reduced it alot. some views may still give some frame rate lag but not that much and are now secluded to small areas ( still working on to reduce it as much as possible, may be a problem because of the maps location. . . waterfalls)

    just add me to friendslist and we can play it soon :)

    thanks man :) Im pretty pleased with it so far ^^ I also love the location even tough ppl now have told me that it may be the main reason theres still some framerate issues left :p
    blast them out of there ^^

    thanks man :) maybe if I pull this on off properly. I will try to fix some things before I post it to testers guild and if you want to help me perfect it until then your welcome to add me to friendslist and we can have some testgames/forgethrus. :)
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks good man! Like I said before, this is just accurate enough to be a good remake but it still opens up to reach's play style. And the glowing teleporter nodes ROCK. By the way, ever finish the changes on your invasion map?
  13. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man :) thats what Im going for, a Guardian remake that goes well with reachs's play style.

    yeah about that invasion map. . . it kind of disappeared from my hardrive or something. still I managed to come up with one of the erlier saves but I got alot of do-over to work on =/
  14. KurbyK14

    KurbyK14 Forerunner

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    I have been looking for a remake of guardian EVERWHERE! I cant wait until u release it, the map looks exactly like halo 3's guardian and everything looks to scale and the rocks make it look so much like the orginal. If there was only a way to bring back the birds in the background of the orginal.
  15. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man ^^ glad that you liked it. its not down to the pixel like the original but I think it has the right feel.
  16. feartehstickman

    feartehstickman Forerunner

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    This is really good. I love how the rocks replace the trees but it still keeps the same feel. This is certainly on the way to being the best Guardian remake around.
  17. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    yeah I think they worked quite nicely ^^
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I already have you on my friends list, by the way. Just asking when you'll be able to set up a playtest.

    Also, you might not have noticed me mention this, but try to prioritize minimal screen lag. This is one of the biggest problems with Guardian remakes, so you shouldn't push too hard with aesthetics. It doesn't have to work 100% perfect with splitscreen, but at least minimize screen lag for single-screen play.
  19. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah, thats kind of what I've been doing the last few days and come to the conlclussion that no matter how many objects I take away the small frame rate lag is still there, probably because of the location with the waterfalls in the back. still the frame rate lag is kind of small and are only for a couple views of the map.

    and as I wrote on the thread update. after I've posted this map I will start to build the exact same map but in another location to make a frame rate friendly version of the map :)

    my xbox is away for repairment right now but as soon as its back we can have a testrun
    #19 DeStarfighter, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
  20. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    thanks man for letting me test this baby ^^ I did notice the frame rate lag you were talking about. athough it didnt bother me much. still the guardian map with the least frame rate lag I've played.
    really love this remake and even if all the old jumps doesnt work I noticed alot of new tactical jumps that ppl can use in this version. with the jetpack all the small tactical jumps you could do in the original is kind of pointless anyway. ppl can just fly there anyway.

    well anyway. love the map and this is probably the best guardian remake there is even in this erly state. dont think anyone will top this one ever so probably should send a public message that ppl dont have to build anymore remakes of this map after this!

    and with the frame rate friendly version you are going to buil after this ppl can just choose from the map with perfect frame rate or the one with a slight frame rate issue and a location that really adds to the asthetics.

    youre the best man!

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