
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JOYST1CK, Feb 12, 2011.


    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    by Joyst1ck

    2-9 Players (Recommend 4-9 Players)
    Map Variant Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    Game Variant Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    So this is a preview of a new mini-game that I am working on. I call it ...EJECT! because the overall goal of the map is to eject everyone from their vehicles and onto their deaths. However, the name is always subject to change.

    :surprise:mg: HOW ...EJECT! WORKS :surprise:mg:

    The game is set up as Infection with Safehavens. In this case, the safe haven is not at all safe.

    There is 1 zombie who is equipped with a focus rifle and a plasma pistol. He has a bottomless clip, but can deal no damage. His objective is to use his focus rifle to manuever an Eject-Ball (golf ball), which is the safe haven, around the map, causing the humans to get caught in it.

    The humans spawn in a room that is only safe for 10 seconds, where they will get on a ghost and drive out onto the water. Don't worry though, there is a grid just beneath the water's surface which will allow the ghost to stay afloat. Don't get off the ghost though, because there is a kill zone just under the water as well.

    This is where the Zombie and his Eject-Ball come in. He will use his focus rifle to manuever the Eject-ball around the water's surface. His goal is to try and get it to come close enough to a human that it will eject them from their ghosts and cause the to die. This happens because the eject-ball's area is set so that no vehicle use is allowed when near it.

    As humans die off, they will respawn again as zombies to aid in the struggle. It may be easy at first, but when it gets down to that last human, it can be tricky to get them. This is where plasma pistols come in. Use them to try and stop the human for a few seconds while you position the ball where you want it.

    :surprise:mg: PICTURES OF ...EJECT! :surprise:mg:

    Unfortunately, I only have screen shots of 2 of us playing just to give you the just of things. Asthetics have yet to be worked into the mix as well.







    :surprise:mg: WHAT ...EJECT! NEEDS :surprise:mg:

    This is just a list of things I'm looking for by posting this preview:

    ...Play-testers wanted. Not necissarily with me, but maybe you and your friends could give it a try.!

    ...What if any asthetic suggestions can you make?!

    ...What do you think of the overall concept of the game? My friends enjoy it but what about your's?!

    ...Do you see or have you experienced anny bugs in the game that haven't yet caught my attention?!
  2. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey I'm liking this idea I will definitely help you test it. As for suggestions...I kinda have to play it to make any because I won't really know. But yeah my GT is ticky12 so hit me up. Me, PsychoDuck, MattKestrel, and a few others test quite often so I am sure they would not mind.

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    thank god dude. yeah, i'll def hit you up on XBL when I get some free time.
  4. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Haha yeah i hate it when I don't get any replys man.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Make objectives linked to movable objects cylinders. It doesn't look so glitchy when the object moves. You should also try this with some different vehicles to see what effects it has, and use this or an inverted one of these to support the zombie(s) above the map and give them a better view. If you place the zombie(s) high enough to shoot down on the playing field they can use concussion rifles which have a great effect on golf balls.

    Also what's with the right justified text? It's really annoying.
    #5 pyro, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    I'm really liking the idea. It's unlikely I could play this with my friends, but if you need any help, my GT is cluckinho10
    #6 cluckinho, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    Yeah the text format was just to get people's attention, but w/e.

    Anyway, my original plan was to use the concussion rifle, but I decided against it because it could potentially launch the ball or a player out of the arena. By using a bottomless clip focus rifle, I got a continuous stream that allowed for greater ball control. I will however try to tweak it to make it as best as it can be.

    I did think about making an inverted trap for the zombvies but I couldn't make one big enough to cover the playing field. One way shield doors are very limited.

    And I will change the safe haven to a cylinder. It does look cleaner, I just thought the box gave it a more equal feeling on all angles than a cylinder could.

    And thank you btw. I really do appreciate your suggestions.

    And I'll send an invite to you as well cart0graph as soon as I get on XBL
    #7 JOYST1CK, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Hmm, it seems like it would be incredibly tedious running around the square in order to get to the other side of the ball. Since I'm sure that you have the budget, you may want to use teleporters instead. The only other thing that I can thing of is the lack of aesthetics, but you already said you still need to add them, so that point is rather moot. I probably won't go to a separate testing session for this, but I can download it and test it when I host a Custom Games Night. However, I probably won't test it without the aesthetics ('cause while I don't mind, the other 8 people in the party may).
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Concussion rifles are good because they can move the ball towered the shooter by shooting behind it instead of using backspin which is quite difficult. Even if players can run around the rim at 300 speed the humans could still just stand between the zombie and the ball of death until more zombies make it more complicated. You should at least start with two zombies. Bungie have you coliseum walls for a reason. Use them to contain the golf ball.
  10. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You may also want to consider the use of hogs, and make it so humans can't be gunner - that way this cold support larger parties as well.
  11. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    The OP could suspend a ceiling above the map, and use One-Way Shields to anchor Zombies to the ceiling. They can simply float over the ball, instead of having to travel in a ring around the level.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Actually if you place mongooses and warthogs in addition to the ghosts then change vehicles on map to covenant, they will all spawn as ghosts. You can get at least 16 ghosts using this method.
    I didn't notice this before because my Iphone has the reach dark skin, but please use the default text color. It's like if I posted everything like this.
  13. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love you.
  14. JOYST1CK

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    K so I've really been neglecting my xbox and laptop for a while. I absolutely love the idea of having the zombies float overhead of the arena. it would be less of a hassle running around the rim. Thsi si going to take a serious overhauling though. I'll have to change the ghost spawning room since it uses one way shield doors. any suggestions on that?

    And thanks for the 16 ghosts tip. It's going to help alot. I do want to keep the vehicles as ghosts. They have greater control than a mongoose and that's what I was going for with the initial plan. However, I'll give it a try with hogs and mongooses and see how it goes. I have all day off tomorrow, so I'm really hoping to adress all of these issues. Thanks again to anybody contributing. You;ll def get a mention when and if I can release this map.

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