ABOVE: A 100% legit, in-game screenshot of the map that was never taken into a photo editing software and shopped to make the map look better than it may or may not actually be. Okay, Titan is a little stressed out and weary, but such is life. I present Abbey, my latest creation. The map is utterly simplistic in design. Imagine a square. That's right, the thing with four equal sides. Now imagine a courtyard in the middle. And bam! you have Abbey. It's meant for small free-for-all and team games, and supports a slew of gametypes. Here are some screenshots to give you an idea of the layout. They might be less cynical than I am, but I can't make any promises. Weapon List x1 Shotgun, 0 spare clips, 150 seconds x1 Needler, 2 spare clips, 120 seconds x1 Sniper Rifle, 1 spare clip, 120 seconds x2 Spiker, 1 spare clip, 60 seconds x2 DMR, 2 spare clips, 90 seconds x2 Plasma Grenade, 45 seconds Are you weak of stomach? Can you not handle images of graphic violence and gore? Then dare I say don't scroll down, for these intense action shots may be more than you can handle! Action Shots Brutal. Just brutal. So if I haven't warded you off already, hit the download link below and have a blast chasing your friends and enemies alike around in a square (with a courtyard!). Download Good night, Forge Hub, and stay classy.
Surprised nobody's commented on this yet. Map looks great and is actually quite unique from a lot of maps I've seen. I particularly like the second picture you have with the long hallway and the pillars in the window area. I don't think I've seen anyone make something like that. I feel like the weapon count is a little bit low but other than that it looks great!
Beautiful, beautiful map. That's the way to incorporate aesthetics into a map. You don't just add a bunch of pretty pieces after the maps done, you make the pretty pieces part of the structure, make them useful. Great job. I can't wait to take a run through your map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'd strongly suggest using the picture of the hallway with the colonnade as your thumbnail picture. It does a great job of describing your map's style and essence. While the picture you originally chose as your thumbnail is beautifully shot, it doesn't inform viewers about your map enough to really draw them in.
Thanks for the comments, guys. @Natetendo83, the map is actually pretty small, but if you think there's a weapon or two that might work really well on it, I'm pretty open for suggestions. @leegeorgeton, thank you for your feedback and I'll definitely get on changing the thumbnail. Just looking at your own maps, I'm humbled by the compliments.
Wooow, nicely done. I really like all of your maps, you seem to know what you are doing with forge and your aesthetics are so beautifully made. This looks like almost an ancient Greek Temple or something haha. I really love the courtyard .This map looks great, good job Titan.
While this map is really quite beautiful, it seems the courtyard would be rather under-used: The snipers pose quite a threat to the courtyard, and unless a power weapon is there to steer players toward it, it would only be used as a quick route across the map. PS: your 'my maps' link is broken
Funny thing is that I've had this recurring image in my head of a colonnade like that since shortly after Reach came out and have considered using it in several maps. My ideas for creating it, however, are blown away by your perfect solution.
Good points. Although, in my opinion the rocks serve greatly to provide cover to anyone in the courtyard. By comparison, the corridors are extremely open. Then again I am a horrible shot with the sniper. One extra clip shouldn't hold down the map for too long. Also, the courtyard hosts both spikers and a shotgun. The shotgun may have no extra clips, but it's still very dangerous. And many thanks for bringing up the error, I wouldn't have caught that otherwise. I've been meaning to redo my sig for a bit, but now I have a valid excuse! It's really just a series of Door objects stacked on top of each other. I can think of some other pieces that might work just as well.
If you check out the center room of my Narrow Extent map, you'll see I did something similar with short tunnels to create the column room. Probably my favorite aspect of forge is seeing that others are able to create such a diverse amount of forms with a fairly limited number of given components. On a separate note, I think the scale and layout of the map will lend itself well to the 2v2 Throwdown contest. Good luck.
this map looks amazing! clean and original forging. looks smooth and seems like the gameplay should be pretty nice to ^^ only thing I dont like with it is. . . . that its submitted to the fht contest. dude ^^ I want to win that. lol
I ran through your map in forge and a few custom games last night. I stand by my initial impressions. The architecture is great throughout. It is definitely a great size for 2v2 games and plays solidly in two-player split screen.
Glad to hear it. I had my worries about split-screen lag, as the Quarry overlooks the rest of Forge World, and the map is pretty much made out of Brace, Large pieces, which could be taxing. Thanks a lot for your feedback. ^^