Okay here we go Ivory. I didn't really have too much to work off. So I didn't really know what you would like so yeah. If you want me to change anything at all please tell me. I will be happy to change things, it's not hard at all. Also if you want something other than the extermination medal or nothing or whatever where it is just say. If you want the font changed, glow on or off. Different colour scheme, anything at all will be easy to change so please say so if you do. Final Version 1 Final Version 2 I can fill the text in the last one if you wanted to see it Also if you want the font changed just go here or to any other font site and pick one out =]
Omg!!! Me!!! Sexy!! what? it stops all caps? *sadface* i will definately be using this from now on. EDIT: hold on, draft? what? it's great as it is, but if you want to i would like maple origins or birth of a hero (both under eroded) for the font, if you can be bothered of course, and perhaps add a little bit of highlighting on the helmet, and see how it looks. of course i'm no graphics expert, so don't delete the original incase i get it horribly wrong.
lololololololsoisoisoisoirofl So you like? I'm not sure about the font and the glow around it. I just hope you like xD
Second version already lol! I just noticed in the first version the extermination medal looks a bit weird with the background lines.
i was right, the fonts screw it up, but the shine looks amazing *goes to update sig* thanks heaps for this, i don't know what i can do for you, but something will come up.
Hahaha no worries I was bored and remembered you wanted a sig, it was fun to make because I tested tones of new things =] My pleasure indeed. And I got to update my "photoshop library" so it's cool =]
Man I want someone to make me an awesome signature I tried deviant art but I couldn't get the dialog thingy
you don't ask people to do stuff at deviant art, you ask people at FH who use materials from deviant art.