Remnant All gametypes other than race and invasion. Weapons/equipment: 2x DMRs 2x Needle Rifles 2x Magnums 2x Plasma Rifle 2x Sniper Rifle 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Fuel Rod Gun 1x Grenade Luancher 1x Spiker 3x Health Packs 2x Plasma Grenades Description: Remnant was also made by The HizzurK. We also made this map in Halo 3 and remade it in Reach. So it has many platforms, A huge Bridge to the other base, a glass room to promote respwning and a neatly designed middle. Its in the canyon above the ground. So obviosly for 4v4 matches plays best with CTF and Slayer. I even have a youtube video of it but ill link to that later Screenshots: This was my first time ever posting here tell me if I did something wrong Youtube Video:YouTube - Halo Reach Remnant Gameplay Montage
Ill tell you ONE thing ... This map looks awesome mate! reminds me of narrows ^^, nothing wrong with that though ;P. Ow and your post is fine, nothing wrong with it. Keep up the good work!
I'll tell you what you did wrong. You posted too good of a map and now everybody is jeolous. >_<* Good job on the map though.
Seriously? The maps ive been seeing are the ones IM jealous of. I doubt id be able to get that good. I have only been a forger for exactly a year.
Well it still looks pretty nice. So don't under-mind yourself. It looks kind of like Narrows with buildings all over it. Which means more cover. Which = Better then Narrows (stupid people reaching hard to reach places with sniper weapons!). Keep up the great work I hope to see more of your maps in the future.
No way, I just posted my first map 2 days ago and it's also called Remnant! Small world. . . Anyways, your map definitely looks better then mine, but you mind me asking how you came up with that name? I called mine Remnant because I was attempting to make the structure appear in ruins. I think I'll have to change my map's name now. Genius work on your map! I have looked over mine and realized I have proportion issues, as the centering is off (I started the work when I got Reach, so I was new to forging. Then I went back to forging it, went through the process of posting it on Forgehub, and realized it still has issues!) So you definitely know what you're doing if you can plan ahead with your map design and have all your objects centered right, great work.
Yea the other day I saw a Map named Remnant and then I was like :O I named it Remnant because it was a remake of a map me and The HizzurK made in Halo 3 and remade in Reach. Like a Remnant of the past.
The aesthetics on the map are nice...however you have way too much open area and way to many power weapons which creates a one sided game for the team to get the power weapons first...also you spelled launcher wrong...:/
Umm thats kinda how Halo goes rush to the power wepaons and plus there is only 4 Not counting the Grenade Launcher...also its everything but one sided if you were in the games I played on it...