
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Nyte, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Forged by Irony & Controlix
    Use with Throwdown Gametype....bitches​

    Weapon List
    DMR x 4
    Needle Rifle x 2
    Plasma Grenades x 4
    Frag Grenades x 4
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Active Camo x 1

    Hey you sexy ladies out there, Irony and I are here to release our abortion to the world oh forge hub and what not. I know some of you may have saw the preview and honestly you were loving my railings with the tunnel longs, and i hope you all do find use for it in the maps you forge in the future, but just know if i see it in your map, i may (probably not) have sex with your sister...unless shes like 5 then ill just bang your mom...unless... ok anyway. Irony and I wanted to bring you something like what we did with Ironyte because we know you guys thought ironyte was a good time, unless you hated it or whatever. We tried to bring some new Reach style forging to the map but we also wanted to keep it simple, halo 3 style forging and keep the map simple, and keep it sexy. I dont really have a good story right now due to the fact that i just dont really feel like typing a long drawn out lololol story and make irony's big black balls sway while rofling. So onward to the pictures and such, have a good time and keep all limbs inside of the vehicle at all times. ​







    Now just some gameplay vids for you guys <3

    YouTube - Iranex 2v2 - Controlix

    YouTube - Iranex 2v2 - Seven oh Three

    #1 Nyte, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool story bro. ;)

    But really, this map is a blast to play on. Gameplay tends to gravitate to being a tug of war over the center bridge, but the whole map gets used all in the same. Good job with this man.
  3. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    noooo the thumbnail image broke!

    and yea the gameplay does tend to do that. but you know its people who want to control top mid, but on this its not a need, its more of a want.
  4. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    This is a blast to play on 2v2 and 1v1. We totally tied.. My pick for the throwdown, though I only played 4 others submitted. So far this has the best gameplay, i'll go through more and see :p
  5. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oooooh! Oooooooohhh! I'm in the videos. Yay! I only played one game. One game in which I was lagging like a boss. but whatever, it was fun anyway. The railings are pretty sweet, and the gameplay was quite fantastic. Great job, and good luck in the competition.
  6. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    thanks guise, i most likely wont win because of some of the maps i have seen look amazing but i have no idea how they play except a few.

    but good luck to all in the comp. =)
  7. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Hopefully its not based on looks and leans on 90% gameplay. I still think the map looks damn good as well so it should fair well against the competition. The railing ideas seem to have been stolen by a few people since you've posted this up.
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    I agree but you never know, i just hope it wins. and i hope that no one like completely rips my idea.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm impressed by the layout, and the clean forging approach you took. Consider it DL'd, and I'll be back with some legit feedback after I get a game in. It looks like you have a real winner here.
  10. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    thank you sir, Irony and i just wanted to keep it simple and such, and if you liked this and Ironyte, you will be seeing a Irony/Nyte Coforge soon ;) (SPOILER!)
  11. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a strong map. It just looks and plays strong. The layout is interesting, offering several strongly defined ways across without being the least bit confusing. You really offer a lot of map for such a relatively small budget. As I'm sure you already been told, your use of the long tunnels as railings is very cool, creating a ramp look we haven't seen yet.

    I checked it out in 2-player spit screen and noticed no hits to the frame rate whatsoever. My only suggestion might be to place some kill boundaries at the non-map side of the backstops behind each team's base. I didn't test it out, but it seems like a jetpacker might be able to fly around back. Again, I didn't test it, so it may not be a problem or you've already done something to prevent this that I didn't notice.

    Great map, Nyte.
  12. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Could you explain that a little bit more in depth. I'm nun nonplussed as to how you can find a layout interesting yet simple. To me, at least, something interesting is inherently complicated and not well understood, which makes it interesting. Something simple, on the other hand is easily understood, which wouldn't make it interesting. It might make it play well, but it wouldn't be interesting.

    Anyways, came in to comment about the map after watching the vids. First off, simple layout leads to obvious points of contention with pretty much fair and balanced game play. What I also noticed was how boring it looked.

    It was top control oriented with players killing each other, spawning to clamber up top and if victorious go to the other side to kill the freshly spawned enemy players. (You can even see the spawn trap in one of your vids.)

    Others have stated that this sports some pretty amazing gameplay. I really didn't notice it in the videos. Nothing really stood out except for marching back and forth across the bridge and some stupid decisions to give up high ground.
  13. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    I'm trying to figure out where I said the layout was simple? "Strongly defined" and "without being the least bit confusing" don't mean I think it's overly simple. I'd actually say there is a complexity, although a minor one, to the layout. It is that minor complexity that I find interesting.

    Since we are harping on definitions, something interesting is not inherently complicated. Often, things that are complicated are nothing but frustrating. In architecture, you want to strive for the complex, not the complicated. The complex is something made up of numerous components that are brought together to form a readily identifiable whole while complicated things are not as easily understood, if ever understood.

    As for the definition of simple, there are thousands upon thousands of architectural examples throughout history which might be regarded as simple forms that are at the same time widely regarded as being the most interesting.

    The mistake you make, rusty eagle, stems from your narrow definition of interesting.
    #13 leegeorgeton, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  14. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Thank you sir <3

    Jet packs are not in the Throwdown gametype and they are not pick-up-able, but to be sure, yes i did but kill zones and such down. But you should get some games on this, its quite enjoyable gameplay. I tested out a bunch of other maps and most of them, not to sound full of myself, did not play as well as this. My forge motto is too keep it simple and keep it sexy. No frame rate is most certainly a plus.

    I know what you mean by the spawn trap, but it is an issue that has been fixed, i used the wrong version for the vids so for some awkward reason, blue was static spawning, and red was dynamic spawning, but the issue was resolved.

    And battle for top control is something used in 99% of maps. Rusty, i know you and I are not on a good personal standing because you think im full of attitude or whatever, but just try to enjoy the map =D
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I don't even know who you are. My thoughts certainly weren't a reproach against you in any way. I talk about maps, never egos. It's rather silly to take anything personally.

    Anyways, height advantage is important, but used differently in each map. On this one, it is the entire focus of the map. I can think of many maps, competitive maps, where the central focus was not on controlling the top. Anyways, comparisons don't really prove anyone's point here. I can't exactly measure out how many units you're using for top center, but it's quite a lot of floorspace up there. It doesn't have any effective counter-point. That especially makes the sole focus to get to the top.

    So off of any spawn, my directive does not change. Make it to the top. That's boring. As a player, my directive should change somewhat over the course of the game. Maybe, it's too secure a power item, but the map should offer counter-areas as well. Make it dynamic.
  16. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I think both sides bring a palpable opinion to the table. Gameplay is always subjective though. In my opinion, I am less concerned with the layout and geometry of the map. I am more concerned about the respawns on it. From my observations, there was a lot of overlap from gunfights. That's why it's tied a lot of the time because, as soon as one dies, another spawns to continues the battle.

    Rusty brings up an interesting point. Although, you venture off to pick up the Sniper Rifle, or the Invisibility, you go straight back up to the top. I think that if the bottom "Invisibility" lobby was sectioned off, it would add a lot of distance and thus prevent respawn wars and top domination.

    However, I must also dissent. I am a firm believer that simplicity does not equate to boring, especially in the case of competitive play. In addition, I think "top-heavy" maps have a lot of potential. For example, look at Halo 3's Narrows.

    TL;DR - It has potential but the respawns seem to need some work. I think additional cover on the bottom area would really help combat the non-stop war too.

    Good luck in the 2v2 Competition!
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't say it's entirely subjective though. If we allow game play to be entirely subjective then we must admit to ourselves and each other that we can't be critical of each others works.

    Game play should be dynamic. I should be able to engage in multiple scenarios as the map sets them up, from close to mid to long ranges. I also believe a map should have counter points to itself to promote movement and different strategies.

    I never said simple was boring, I said simple wasn't interesting. Take Onslaught for example. It's simpler than this map, yet it offered dynamic game play and fast paced and intense action. Like I said though, it's not good comparing one map to another. Yes, the core idea behind narrows and this one are similar "Top Control". Their implementation of that idea are vastly different. One thing to note is that Narrows is a "top control" map it is also "center control" of the map. That is a key difference as well as some others that makes Iranex and Narrows vastly different from each other.
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    From watching the video, I'd say that the weakest part of your map is the top level. There is far too much incentive to control it. Having only two paths to get to the top level makes it too easy to guess where the enemies are coming from. You have the right idea to add mancannons, but from watching the second video, they are used rarely for the reason that they're too risky.

    The main problem I find is that there's not much weapon variation. Every weapon on this map is a rifle; battles are almost exclusively on the top level for this reason (long LOS, easy to control with range). Mixing the weapons up would help to fix up the problem of the top level's dominance.

    Also, and this is more nitpicking, I found that the Active Camo was rather ineffectual to gameplay. It creates some reward for the bottom level, but ultimately it's pretty useless for 2v2. Besides replacing it with a Overshield, have you considered putting an Armor Ability? Perhaps a Jetpack or Evade.

    Other than that, this map is very, very promising. I'd consider it to be a good contender for Throwdown, with slight improvements to flow and weapons.
    #18 Nemihara, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  19. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    I was kid who said camo was broken in the gametype and then you got mad. lolol

    Spawning has already been fixed my good fellow. I might just take out top mid completely because one person doesnt like it ;)
  20. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    I think jetpack would be really odd on this map and evade for 2v2 is waaaay over-powered. I'd say try something else if the ov isn't working in the throwdown version unless they update it. Don't take out top mid :p

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