
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, May 2, 2010.

  1. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    So I had this dream last night. It starts with me and two girls, one of whom is my friends flatmate and the other is a girl I know from back home, both of them are attractive and single at the mo. We're in an airport and supposed to be catching a plane to 'pino' (in my mind thats a tropical island in the middle of the pacific). However for whatever reason we miss the plane we're supposed to get and have to wait till the next one. Fast forward to 'pino', we're all dressed in kinda half tribal/half hawaiian clothes and playing some kinda of primitive stone game in a wooden hut. This goes on for a while and I get really confused with the game and really frustrated at not being able to win.

    Fast forward to night and me and my friends flatmate are kissing on this straw bed but this goes on for a while and I start to think when are we going to have sex, thats when i woke up about half 7 this morning feeling quite frustrated.

    Is this just what I think it is? basically i'm sexually frustrated (its been a while) and everything i do seems to fail? If so, whats with the 'pino' place' and I'm not even that attracted to my friends flatmate.
  2. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'll go ahead and post this even though it may be a bit wierd.

    I get pissed off at certain people at school who are just generally annoying. When I dream, 99% of the time its them dying in some sort of way. IDK if thats bad or not but i'm not crazy. Any reason why I dream of that (even though I do wish it would happen)
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    well check out Lucidipedia :p

    There's a "dream journal" function on there, just for that purpose. Users can make any entry public or private. I haven't posted mine yet but I'm working on that actually right now. That's what you're asking for, ya? I'm Indie Anthias on there. I have a notebook that I've been sporadically writing my dreams down in for a few years, I'll get as much of that as I can typed up soon.

    I know I know... THIS IS FORGE HUB!!!!!
    But I don't want to do double work, lol. Maybe I'll copy/paste here when I'm done there.
    #43 Indie Anthias, May 9, 2010
    Last edited: May 17, 2010
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Oh wow.

    Where to begin...

    Okay a couple of nights ago I had this dream where me and 4 other random people were stuck in this giant freezer thing and there was no way out. We were told by somebody that in order for us to leave we had to collect a certain amount of cockroaches in order to leave.
    We were yold we had to lure them with frozen meat packs but for some reason they couldn't smell the meat when it was frozen so I had to get up in this vent thing and thaw out the meat and when I came back down there were roaches everywhere.
    Apparently we somehow failed and then we had to start again except in the confines of a car frame. Then we passed.

    Next I was in another room with those same people. There were saw blades, razor wire, and barbed wire everywhere and a bunch of rabid dogs came out of these dog-door things in the walls. They started chasing all the other people, but for some reason they didn't see me so I was trying to stay out of sight, and then I noticed one of the dog-doors was broken so I climbed through it and ended up in this really hick looking backyard with cars everywhere and furniture and random things strewn about. Just as I was going over the fence some dude tried to shoot me but I made it. I left and for some reason I left the other 4 people behind.

    I woke up momentarily after that only to fall right back into another equally strange dream:

    Me and my current girlfriend were in the whitehouse. We were taking a tour of some sort and we decided to go to the west wing. We saw the president just as he was closing some secret door. We tried to follow him but we couldn't so we walked back to the main area (white house layout in dream wasn't accurate) only to hear someone yell freeze and there were these 2 guards after us and we were just standing there and they dive tackled us. I could only laugh cos I was like wtf? we weren't even running, why'd you tackle us? They got pissed at us and threw us down in these underpassages under the whitehouse and just left us there. Naturally we began wandering around and there were other people under there but they were dressed in like old-english attire and the only light source was these floating, glowing crystals, but everytime we saw one my girlfriend would take it and for some reason it'd stop giving off light. Eventually we couldn't see. Then we found one more but when we got to it we were in a cave. There were these giant boulders that went up and down based on this switch system and one of the boulders covered a hole where we needed to go (dunno how we knew that) so I pressed the button and let my gf go first and then I went and almost got cruched by the rock last second. After that we ended up at some flea market thing behind the whitehouse. We were just walking around but this creepy gypsy chick kept following us around trying to sell us **** so we hid in a furniture store that actually led back to the whitehouse. Wr decided we were done and started to leave the whitehouse this (really hot, blonde) girl in sunglasses came out of nowhere and started singing and caressing my back. My gf seemed totally okay with it too, but somewhere in her lyrics she sang 'don't wake up' and I woke up.
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I had a dream..

    ..that I was in a resturant with my girlfriend and I got up to get myself a refill. I didn't come back for a good three hours, where I seen her laying down, crying with her face buried in the booth seat. I sat behind her and held her upright, then told her it was time to go. When we reached the front doors I noticed we we're in our bathing suits, bare foot. I opened the doors and looked down and the whole foundation was covered in sharp, jagged rocks, so I picked her up and I walked about a mile to the car..

    ..then I woke up.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Your girlfriend is a psycho and it's a real strain.

    I'v got that issue too.
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Probably means that you're fearful of becoming stagnant and that you know it's going to be a hard and painful path ahead but with the support of others you have the courage to move forward.
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i keep having dreams about the following day, like wtf.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    That's how mundane your imagination is. See now do you understand?
  10. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    I've had a dream to where I was figuring out a way to ask this girl out, in my dream-mind, while I was thinking(?), her voice interrupted mine. We talked for like two minutes, then her voice wouldn't talk again.

    She said that she'd say yes if I asked her out, if any importance.
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    These aren't that recent but I typed them out the other day. (Last night I dreamed I was driving a tank through a swamp with Arnold Schwarzenegger you don't want to hear about that...) Like I said I'm typing up all my dreams now for Lucidipedia.com so that's why I have these. These two are worth sharing.

    Date: approximately 1999

    I enter a vast spherical enclosure. It may be the size of the moon or bigger, as far as I can tell. But I'm definitely inside it, and it's hollow inside. Gravity pulls me towards some "down". It seems to be from a point at the polar bottom, not merely "outwards". I enter through a door close to this polar bottom. Before me is an incline. Imagine a sphere intersected with an incline plane, but the plane is an ascending terrain. I gotta say again how vast and huge the inside of the sphere is.

    The terrain isn't so much a natural landscape, as a Halo analogy would suggest. It's a bit more difficult to describe. It seems man-made, culturally influenced. There is a staircase leading up the incline. I pass through many different atmospheres. The higher I get, my perspective of the entire space improves accordingly. The atmospheres aren't limited to any description, but include at various times the following: a certain Victorian, Tolkien, Moria, Lothlórien, Candle, Night Time, Day Time, Steam Punk, Celestial, Garden, Baroque ambiance. The only common theme is intense beauty. There are no other characters.

    The trip up takes a lifetime. I never reach the top but I gradually become aware that there is such thing as a top.

    Date: 27 Nov 2009

    I'm at some academy involving a large ship. The ship is staged on the side of an ocean-side cliff, still a ways above the water. The cliff rises up higher than the ship and a series of caves and paths leads from the deck of the ship up to the academy campus. The ship is a training ship for the academy but below deck there is one particular room, an indoor swimming pool. There is a gym adjacent to it but I never saw it. The pool is the only thing in this room, it's rather small. Maybe 25' by 25', square. But it's very very deep. The ambience in the pool room is very nice, The walls of the room and the pool are tiles (pale yellow?), an up-scale spa atmosphere. There are a few doors in the pool room, leading to the locker room, the rest of the gym, equipment closets, etc. There is a closet with scuba gear in it; the pool is used for scuba training. I get in my scuba gear and swim around the pool. At the bottom is a grate. Now, it's never occurred to anyone to wonder what's under the grate before but the idea crosses my mind. I lift the grate and swim through. I find a large cavern with the same cozy ambiance as the pool room, water is still chlorinated pool water (light source??? no idea.) It doesn't necessarily get wider than the pool above but it goes much deeper still. At the bottom of the cavern is ___. At this point it bears mentioning that there is no way all this could be contained within the confines of the ship (it's not that big) yet it is. I return to the surface and share my discovery with a guy I know. He takes keen academic interest and goes down to study and take notes. He spends lots of time down there and it becomes his thesis at the academy. I'm glad for him. One day he shares with me a graphic he's made, I look at the whole big picture he's created and it's really quite stunning. It's a giant vertically panoramic view of the whole place: The academy building up top, the shear cliffs, the ship eventually (in cross-section), the sea below, even the sea floor. In the ship is the pool room, pool, and cavern in elevation. It actually does reach all the way to the sea floor in the graphic.
    #51 Indie Anthias, May 22, 2010
    Last edited: May 22, 2010
  12. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    It seems to me that you are trying to figure how to ask out a girl (obviously), but I afraid of rejection. You're afraid that she won't speak to you again if you mess up.
  13. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Whenever I'm sick I have the same dream..

    It's a bunch of people, women and men really jacked adn ripped and they throw boulder into the air and they collide and break apart asndhe people are screaming.
    The people are hugr and tiny, like from several stories tall to a few inches, but the image is the same. People.. throwing boulders into the air as they scream.. the bigger people are really loud and the little people are quiet, but you can still hear them.

    I've been having this dream since I was 5 with the flu until now with the common cold.
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Wow, i can get a bit of the imagery and meanings from that one, but you should look into it. Understanding it will make your dream more and more understandable. /repetition.

    But you reminded me of a dream I had last week!

    I have forgot what happened earlier but this part just stuck with me. I was walking down a quiet suburban street, near to where I live. It must have been night-time because street lights were one of the few things I could see. Then out of nowhere I see a fox walking my way. But this fox is made of paper. It's like he's a full-size origami fox, made of coloured paper. He's just gently trotting along, and he passes me.

    I turn to look at this mysterious beast, and say "Hey". The fox stopped, and turned to look at me, with the wholesome look of death in it's eyes. I. Am. Terrified. The fox makes a brief charge and hastily pounces on me. And I am awake, with an incredible feeling of worry.

    It's kind of hard to explain. I didn't wake up scared, or in shock. A paper fox isn't scary. It's more the fox's body language than anything. The way the fox stopped, turned and went into murder-mode. I can still see his face D:.
  15. The Trivial Prodigy

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    A lot of times, my dreams follow storylines. Though I never get to see how some of them "end." I have had at least one dream where I could continue the dream after I woke up, but it had apparently ended already and I was told I "wasn't supposed to be there anymore." The next thing I know, I'm halfway through another dream, with no knowledge of the first.
  16. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Finally I get some use out of this thread...

    So my mom wakes me up today at 6:15, (the usual), and I feel like ****. I ask her if I can stay home because I have a raging migraine, and she says yes and I immediately fall back asleep, and I dream the following:

    So basically, I'm in a food court on a cruise ship, surrounded by tourists, but none of them are really talking or doing anything special. I'm in one section of the court that is devoted to baked goods, and it's kind of high end and rich. I walk over to a cart that has a lot of breads and good looking **** in it, and I find this purple loaf of bread type cake thing, with raised bumps in it with gum drops and licorice and good stuff sticking out of it. IT LOOKED SOOOO ****ING DELICIOUS. I needed it. So, I whipped out an 500 dollar bill (lol), and bought the **** out of that motherfucker (it was 100 ****ing dollars, that's how good it was). I then saved it, walked out of the food court, and woke up because my bladder was going to implode.

    I've now made it my mission to find this cake or bread and make or buy it!

    EDIT: Also, why did I dream this? What does it mean? I've NEVER had a dream like this before. Ever. All mine are just random **** that wouldn't happen in RL.
    #56 Meltyourtv, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  17. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    I frequently have a dream I'm drowning, perhaps because I don't swim. What interests me though, is that when I look up while drowning in the ocean, I see the Blessed Virgin Mary floating up there.

    Weird, no?

    Also, I don't want no religion hate. Take that there somewhere else.
  18. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    I have been having this one dream on and off for about 3 months, and it has happened 4 or 5 times. Basically there is a giant snake that comes out of the ocean and it always rises up then dives back into the ocean. Then I am suddenly stabing a sword through an apple. Next I shoot a long barreled gun like 3 times. With each little scene change it happens with no delay, and im suddenly in a different place, usually an empty black space like area where nothing exists except the subject I am seeing. Its pretty weird and I usually dont remember my dreams, but I guess I have had this one so many times that I just remember it, so for all I know maybe I have had this dream occur more then I said, without me knowing it. I would like to know what it means simply because I have not had reoccuring dreams since I was like 10.
  19. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Sorry I'm not as good as I thought I was at this...
  20. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Im in a eerily poorly lit cave, I look around only to see that my arms and legs are chained. My clothes are tattered and burnt. I hear voices from above me echoing off the walls but the vibration makes it too hard to understand what they are saying. Then a burly guard comes up and unchains me and ties ropes around my ankles and arms. Im dragged along my arms start to go numb. I look around and see lots of dead/decaying bodies. Im thrown onto the ground in front of a chair made of some sort of granite throne. I try to get up but am elbowed in the back and fall back on my knees. A small child about (10 yrs probably) claims i know him. The man in the throne whos features were harsh and pale tells me to make a choice between the childs life or mine. I couldn't decide so he says he is going to kill us both. Im dragged along my feet start getting cut up and bloody and pushed down onto a beheading post. The guard raises his axe and I wake up to my ***** alarm. Analyze that...
    #60 A Legit Taco, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011

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