I have to share this. Today I played a game of Slayer DMRs on Capacitor, and besides the map being kinda bland my team got absolutely smashed. Why? Team work on the other teams behalf. Here is a link to the game on bungie.net. I had no idea what happened. I just physically could not kill anyone. I barely had time to see the enemy before my head was punctured by a flurry of DMR fire. Every time I thought I had one opponent in the bag another came up snatched my chance away! It was both incredible and terribly frustrating at the same time! If you check my game history you'll see that I am actually a decent player and can normally achieve a score of 20+ in most slayer games. So tell me forgehub, have you ever done, seen or had this happen to you?
I've been beat pretty badly in some games of Reach. However, most games that I've lost because of the enemy team's teamwork were in games of SWAT. So I guess it doesn't relate much. However if it counts, back in Halo 3. I was playing some TS and I randomly got matched up with some clan and we demolished the enemy team in about 3 minutes or so. I think the score was around 50-6 or 50-4.
Wow, you guys got drilled. I've had some pretty gross beatdowns when playing with randoms against organized teams, but nothing even close to 50-6 - I'd consider it a slaughter just to lose 50-30. One thing I do if a game is getting out of hand like that is to start shadowing one of my teammates, just staying about 10 feet behind him no matter where he goes. At the very least you'll get some clean-up kills and you might save his ass a time or two. It also clearly didn't help in your game that one guy went 0-18. When somebody is basically just a walking bullet-magnet, it means you're pretty much playing down a man - except worse because all his deaths are shortening the game for the rest of you.
In all fairness, their worst member had a higher k/d ratio than your highest. I think at least 2 guys had half a kill higher ratio than you.
Wow, one time, my team was playing on sword base, and got crushed 50 to 9. Lucky me, my team had two people who left, one who was booted because of an accident, and most of the other players were pros. D:
I've pulled the opposite side, racking up 50-12's before. And there was a game of BTB I played with with Peggy and Insane where I had over thirty kills and they each had about twenty, we won 75-28 I think. Its not really teamwork as much as it is being in the right place at the right time, all the time, cus they didnt do that well in all of their games.
I think teamwork is most pronounced in Invasion. With five friends we went on a four game streak of capturing the core and most of the time skunking the other team if they didn't quit. I think we got a ten win streak, but just a four game streak of skunks before people had to go to bed. The vehicles are really all about teamwork.
Sometimes I'm on the winning team of that, just plain luck that our team happens to be good and our predetermined plans happened to sync. But sometimes playing with randoms you VS a full partied team just know there roles and can dominate not much you can do by yourself. Happened to me on Spire Stockpile so they could rack up kills(which happens to be the part that annoys me) Our team had 4 kills each at max god knows how many deaths, there team had 50-80kills each. Also I almost snuck in a win right at end with a flag but they got me would of been hilarious if I had of got it.
In my old team, EightOneFour. We were only in the low 40s (of teamslayer) but we would stomp pub after pub going 50 and under 15 each match. Occasionally we would die a bit more than that but not often at all. If you wanna win everytime, It's all about set ups, team shots and callouts. Assist, assist and assist somemore.