A 5 minute animation, so that in a 1v4, the guy is just raging waiting for the assassination to end. But wait, I forgot about Yoink medals...
Objective assassinations. I've always wanted to crack a guy over the head with an oddball skull, or strangle/impale them with a flag.
I think it would be cool if you shoved your gravity hammer into someone's back then it did its gravity smash thing. lol
1) grab guy, break his back on my knee. 2) poke his shoulder, be behind other shoulder, so when he does look that way, I punch him in the face. Liek a N1nja.
lol. Run behind a guy to beat him down and instead, he runs forward to the edge of the map while you turn around and run to the other side then turn to snipe him.
I feel pretty certain that in the .00001% chance they ever put this in a Halo game, there'd be a time limit on animations. No five minutes of torture for you guys. But I have to admit, the idea of doing that on purpose just to annoy people cracks me up. My contribution: I'd like to sweep his legs out from under him, then teabag a couple times, then sit on his face until he suffocates (he'd be flailing helplessly of course). I think people who died via this animation would rage quit about half the time. Another funny one would be to just poke him in the back of the head with my finger and he falls over dead.
I laughed so hard at the sitting on his head thing! I heard MS recently bought the URL kinecthalo, so this may be an actual possibility. [br][/br]Edited by merge: MS recently bought the kinecthalo URL so this may be an actual possibility. I would probably do the wushi finger hold and have him explode when I flexed my pinky.
My guy would kick the other guy in the balls, say "FYI I am spy," and shove a knife through his visor. Or I would pull out my fingers in the shape of a gun, scream POW, and they would like fly off the map. You are Dea, Not big surprise And if you could do that, how would the xbox know how to make the other players reaction?
so youd need two people doing it at the same time, or just you doing it at two different times? Not to be a pessimist or anything, using two people at the same time would be problematic for the kinect, and one at different times would be a bit hard. Also, I LOL when I think about about all the spartans who would hump the other guys to death.
Wouldnt It be great if bungie ACTUALLY released mods for reach, where you could have lightsabers and stuff? But thats off topic. I just thought that my guy would pull out the other dudes heart with his hand. (Sorta like in Indiana Jones)
When did that happen? Humm... reverse gripped golfclub = force unleashed? Might be hilarious to apply that to an assassination (why do energy swords get all the fun?).