lol. I came across a squad of marines at the top of a hill. Pinned down by there own wart hog. I went back in theater to investigate, and they parked it.. walked up the hill, and when the elite ran for the hog, they looked at each other, and hid behind a rock as the elite threw some lead their way. It was rather hilarious.
The AI system certainly does allow for some interesting moments. Should've been a grunt in the turret. Granted, he wouldn't even be able to see past the mount, but that's okay.
Well they have been known to steal human turrets during firefight. However I am unsure of them taking control of a warthog turret. [Shrug Shoulders].
Not that I know of, I was being disingenuous. But I had no idea that grunts could use turrets. That sounds interesting
I've been driving a guass hog and the turret-er got hijacked and i was driving around a minor elite as he destroyed the marines > lmao, it was great. And yea, grunts can hop on human turrets but idk about the gunner. I've seen them as passengers though.
Grunts can get on machine gun turrets, but not warthog turrets as the turret is too big for them to be able to stand on...
Or maybe one grunt would stand on top of the other while the one on top 9I know it sounds really bad) fires the turret.