Exhibitions: The Art of Video Games / American Art TL;DR? Vote for your favorite games of the past 40 years and they'll be showcased at the Smithsonian. Linky to vote: The Art of Video Games
I completely forgot about Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for Intellivision... holy cow. HAHAHAH... Minecraft is listed in Modern Windows for Era 5.
its categories and choices are crap. WTF is target genre? I have never heard of that as a classification of games. Limbo is the same category as ME2? ME2 is an sci fi RPG, and Limbo is an xbox arcade game. Don't get me wrong but one of the best games ever? Braid had more substance to it. Blops under PS3, it was cross platform... Banjo-Kazooie and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire next to Super Mario 64?! Goldeneye listed under Target and next to Starfox?! It's like someone who didn't actually know anything about video games went on the internet and looked up "Popular Games" and just picked anything from a certain time period.
Haha Loving this.. Pitfall, Video Chess, Pac Man and Space Invaders for Era 1. Era 2: Boulder Dash, The Bards Tale 3, Attack of The Mutant Camels and Sid Meiers Pirates! Era 3: Sonic CD, Phantasy Star 4, Gunstar Heroes and Dune 2. Era 4: Unreal, Fallout, Diablo 2 and Starcraft Era 5... Hold on a minute, I only realised there were multiple consoles...Well screw that, Im not going back... Era 5: Halo 3, Halo 2, Portal, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Black Ops, Mass Effect 2 and Oblivion.
How can you compare Black Ops (not even PS3-exclusive) to Uncharted 2 and LBP2 with regards to the action genre?!?!
this is sweet. i basically went through and Zelda'd up every section i could. mostly i voted for what id like to see in a video game exhibit. one thing i still feel bad for was I voted Psychonauts over Halo 2. wait no, i dont feel bad, Psychonauts is awesome. EDIT: ahaha i just realized i voted Bioshock over Halo 3. im the worst Halo fan ever. They put Halo in bad spots.
Maybe they should have gone to a gaming forum and had someone from there arrange the games for them. It's pretty obvious they had no idea what they were doing.
It's obvious because instead of researching which games did what for the industry, they are leaving it up to a vote.
You didn't misvote, it was the categories that were the problem. Bioshock is a horror fps game. Its like they lumped 10 different categories together to form "Adventure". Half way through voting I just decided to stop out of basic principle. I don't want to select great games over other great games because of they are in the same lame category.
Strange, the game that revolutionized shooters on consoles wasn't even an option.... Really, the only no-brainer for me was Half-Life 2.
I've never heard of 80% of these games. I've ended up just voting for which ever one looks the coolest.
WIN! I've finally started playing half-life 2 (because I'm now legally allowed to buy it) and it's fun (although I know everything that happens). Earlier I was walking through a part and I said 'There's supposed to be a zombie jump out here, where is it?' and then the zombie jumped out Anyway... On topic I'd have to agree and say they've done this all really weirdly. Why doesn't forgehub do something like this? It could be really interesting.
Dammit, people, at least vote for one halo game. Im gonna see this, so... Edit: this sucks. the only crash bandicoot was the worst crash bandicoot (warped), and, aww, Tales of Symphonia isnt gonna get picked (between Wind Waker and Paper Mario.) ToS is an RPG, why is it even an option between two platformers?
Haha, you've only ever seen people play Psychonauts right? My votes: Bioshock (Over Halo 3...) Psychonauts (Over Halo 2) Ocarina of Time Half Life 2 (I chose this over Portal. Portal was good, but I played Half-Life 2 in 2008, and it still blew me away) Minecraft Fallout 3 (Over KOTOR, ouch) Mass Effect 2 (Even though I thought the combat was disappointingly rigid) Twilight Princess Wind Waker (The only game I'm voting for that I haven't played) Worms Armageddon A Link to the Past Super Mario World
Limbo's up against ME2 and Oblivion, it doesn't have a hope. Really sad because it needs to be at this exhibition, I voted for it even though I love both the other game a massive amount.