"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape. Escape will make me God." -Durandal Welcome to Godkiller, population 4... but thats going to change as soon as you have your way with that pesky pair of enemies you face, for better or worse, someone won't be leaving here. Weapons: [seconds/spare clips/quantity] • Shotgun 110/0/1 • Needle Rifle 60/1/2 • Magnum 45/1/2 • Grenade Launcher 120/2/1 • Plasma Grenade 45/-/2 • Armor Lock 90/-/1 General: Now that all the formalities are done with, I just want to point out that you shouldn't try and get on the rounded thing in the back room, there is a soft kill barrier there so you can't camp there or anything. Also, I sadly Have not set this up for anything but slayer gametypes... yeah, I know... but being as it is made for the Throwdown contest, I think that it doesn't really need to support anything else. Please, leave comments and criticism, and keep it honest.
No comments on such a wonderfully designed map? I'm suprised, this map looks great. Everything looks neatly forged and it really looks like you took your time making it. The aesthetics look great from the pics and although the name seems...kinda random..It looks like it plays well.
Not a single flaw that I can see, whats the word for that, flawless, well for positive things to say, I can certainly say that you used many awesome looking aesthetic designs of which I have not seen before, I wish you luck on the 2v2
Thanks guys, guess I hope that other people actually start replying so I can get some feedback on how to improve it, if possible. But seriously guys, thanks.
I remember playing this with you and Cyclonewolf a few weeks ago. It was quite a fun map even though it was a 2v1. I can instantly tell that changes have been made to the map since then and I'm sure they're for the better. It's good to see that with the additions of the dishes, the back room looks a lot less open that it did it earlier versions. But anyway, the map was good when I played it and I'll definitely be downloading it and hopefully I'll be able to get a game or two on it.
after walking through your map (not actually playing a game) i really like it. The FX looks great and I really love the aesthetics (the grid, the square pattern on ground, the round hump-thing) only problem is the shotgun is so close to the armor-lock pickup. I dont know if this was intended or not.
This is a well laid out, visually interesting map. While I haven't been able to play any games on it yet, I did run around in it by myself for about 20 minutes in a few custom games. I really like a lot of the visuals you've created. The map incorporated great, innovative uses of the forge pieces. My favorites visually are the floor pattern throughout, the cool catwalks and the ceilings over the catwalks/initial spawn area. I also like where you chose to situate the map so that when you look outside it's as if you are looking down a valley toward toward the shore. Gameplay-wise, your map is nice and simple (in a good way) making it easy for players to quickly understand the layout. You have several good lines of sight allowing for some good mid-long range battles. I like the inclusion of the man cannons to reach the catwalks, but they need some adjustment. Currently, the player receives an awkward bump to the head from hitting the ceiling. I'd try one of two things to smooth that out. Either decrease the angle of the cannons by 5 degrees or so. If that doesn't fix it, you may need to slide the cannons out a bit further over the canyon, perhaps 1 full forge world unit. You may ned a combination of those two solutions. I know it's a problem that can be easily and quickly fixed. There is one final issue with the map which doesn't mean a lot when playing solo screen games, but does come up in split screen. Again, it's not a big deal, but because you are submitting this for the FHThrowdown contest, it does matter. During split screen, your map has a lot of frame rate issues. Anytime the players are moving at the perimeter, looking toward the other end of the map, the frame rate takes quite a hit. I tested it pretty thoroughly by playing customs in split screen. If you'd like to see what I mean and replicate what I'm talking about, start a custom game in split screen mode. As soon as the game begins, your players will spawn at the map's perimeter. The first movement you should try is strafing. You will instantly notice the frame rate start to dip. The frame rate plays smoothly in solo screen.
Honestly, I can say that I have never had splitscreen issues on this and I tested it over 30 times, but I will try to replicate that scenario and see how it is, honestly did think it had no framerate issues though. EDIT: Ok, just did a quick run on it and strafed splitsceen on the upper catwalk things, sad to say that I never noticed that before. oddly enough nobody has ever complained about that after testing though, and I know for a fact at least 6 sessions had splitscreen players. I will try to amend that if possible, till then though, try not strafing on the catwalks looking through the glass, its not uber bad, its just noticeably worse than normal framerate.