Title says it all... WELCOME TO HALO CITY! YouTube - Halo Reach Forge - Halo City (Forge World) A small city map made by me, a0puncfan. Enjoy the free for all action and mayhem in a nice, medium sized city. Overview: Overview (Labled): Lets Take the Tour! Hot Springs (Interior): Hot Springs (Exterior): Well (Left) and Buildings by Hot Springs (Up and Right): Other side of Hot Springs. Buildings (Left and Right), and Open Building (Up): Walkway leading to Open Building (Right), Large towers (Middle and Left), Falcon (Top of Middle Tower): Interior of Open Building: Exterior of Open Building (Other side): Next Building after Open Building (Left), Tallest Tower in Map (Middle): Ranger Station (In Park): Park overview: Streets and Buildings (Opposite side of Open Building): And last, but certainly not least; The Wishing Well: Enjoy the Map! Give feedback and your thoughts on how I could improve the map please! Constructive critisizm is welcome! In case you missed it: Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Have fun!
...you mean so people can camp? I think the whole point is to be able to move around and snipe while under some cover. Ever think it's just there for aesthetics? I don't think a falcon on a medium sized, low height would ever need use for a falcon. This map is very well done. It has enough buildings and cover to be playable in situations with lots of people, plus the map is just the right size. Keep up the good work.
This looks great, its the perfect size and has just the right amount of buildings and cover. And i would like someone to explain how the heck a falcon would have any use in a free for all map.