Spacecraft attack V3.0 It's an invasion map (default game-type, the Spartans are attacking) made for 8vs8 matches This map represents a Covenant's spacecraft attacked by the UNSC forces Now, the screens: STEP 1 Spartans must capture the rear part of the ship (two territories) Spartans base: A sniper is in the tower The banshee launchpad (there is only one banshee so take care of it): The spacecraft: face: profile: Rear part: from the island: The hangar: The lower deck: STEP 2 Weapons and power-ups spawn in the hangar You must capture the center part of the spacecraft (one territory): The center part: This territory is difficult to capture that's why I put these power-ups: and this weapon: Beware, Spartans can come from everywhere: STEP 3 It's a module capture who take place in the nose of the ship The module is in the cockpit, near an energy sword and a jet pack: You must bring the module in the test center There is an other jet pack on the rear part of the ship: Jump! and win! please, tell me what you think about it. what do you think of the new version?
Instead of ending at the ship, make them jump off the ship and on to a base below. Then they will get up to the place where they start.
I really like your map, and your ship in special, it has some kind of offbeat architecture. Just as a visual tip: I would replace the "big walkway" on the rear bottum part of the ship. in the moment it looks a bit like an alien gun or something. Another tip: it looks like you have used many many objects from the decorative caterogy. they cost 50$ !!! this is 5 times more than usual bridges, blocks, ramps, etc you should replace them where its possible, so you can use the money elswhere
You should add a man cannon to the end of the banshee launcher to make it look cooler and launch faster. This is great otherwise though.
Great! I have an idea to make your map more team based. If possible, delete the test center and make the spartans ride a falcon the way back to their base at the building. This would also save money and maybe you could add another banshee with that money?
great epic map my friends and I loved the game play of it. Oh and is it just me or on the side profile picture of this the ship looks sortta like a DMR with no scope attached. Anyway that's just me. Overall I think that this map is shmexy.
Its clearly an Invasion map, but I checked your fileshare and it looks like you never made an Invasion filetype for it.