Reclaimer 8

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Drew980, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Drew980

    Drew980 Forerunner

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    Reclaimer 8

    I started a map a few weeks ago and only recently got around to finishing it. The map is made specifically for Team Slayer and other variants of it. The size if it is medium, so its mainly for 4v4 battles but can sustain big team battles. It has three main bases though three is more of a pathway. Great for people who like to play DMR from across the map and Sniper rushing. I am particularly proud of it, so I decided to share with with Forge Hub!


    The first picture is a view of the Blue teams base. Keep in mind that both bases are are symmetrical and are the same.

    This is a more close up look at the base. There is not much to them, they have the spawn, vehicles and weapons. A Sniper and a DMR on both sides of the bases.

    In the middle base there is a catwalk that overlooks the Blue teams base. Sense the spawns are well spread out, there should not be a problem with spawn killing. At the end of this vantage point, holds a sword


    A more fortified part of the catwalk.. located in the center of the map. Provides safety from vehicle carnage.

    Red/yellow base/base two (Back)

    Base Two (front)

    View from the air.

    Weapon's on Map:

    I am just going to list all the weapons on map and their locations. This is needed... at least I think..

    -Sniper Rifle (x2) = Located at each base at spawn point.

    -DMR (x2) = Located at each base along with the Sniper.

    -Spartan Lazer = Located near the catwalk/cliff.

    -Energy Sword = Located at Blue base catwalk overview.

    -Shotgun = Located on the bridge/river at the Red base.

    Vehicle's on Map:

    -Ghost (x2) = located at each base near the spawn point.

    -Warthog (x2) = Located at each base along with the Ghosts.

    If you have any more information you want put up, just post and I will see what I can gather for you!

    Another edit: It did not appear my thumbnail worked properly, that is odd. Prehaps a mod could edit this? The image I wanted was this one ( Thankie.
    #1 Drew980, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  3. ZombieGuitarist Alex

    Senior Member

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    I like the structures on the map a lot. They are nice aesthetically; remind me of Covenant structures from the various Halos :D

    The shot of the map from above is cool, the layout looks nice for competitive play!
  4. Drew980

    Drew980 Forerunner

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    For some reason the picture did not register at first with the thumbnail. Thank you for leading me to that thread.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude nice map, very Valhalla ish, it remindes me of sidewinder alot too. Great job with aesthetics the bases look stunning. I like how you managed to use the L shape of the island as well. I'll defiantly download great looking map.
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Generally this looks like a good 4 v. 4 through 8 v. 8 map, vehicles are not overblown and power weapons seem at a good level. What caught my eye is the lack of precision weaponry. There are only 2 DMR's on the map, and the rest are power weapons. For this size of map, 4-8 DMR's will fit easily, and maybe Needle Rifles if you like them. Even a few other weak weaponry could be good, at this seems to be a map with long sight lines. It also seems like the structures to the left of base two (if standing in it looking at base 1) are kind of out of the way, with no reason to go there if you are not attacking base 1. I have not played it, so I am not sure about this, but food for thought. Good job!
  7. Drew980

    Drew980 Forerunner

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    Thank you for all your kind replys!

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