
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Spicy Forges, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Well thanks for that. The nap was originally designed for just throwdown which doesn't use jetpacks so in a future update I'll fix those kill zone issue. I am also going to set it up for other gametypes so I'll bundle it all into one update.
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I got a FFA slayer game in this, and I loved it, but I feel like the hammer is a bit too powerful, its just such a small area. just a suggestion, I haven't found anything wrong with the map though. I want to know what you make next!
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    FFA slayer? Initial spawning wouldn't have been great as we didnt place any neutral spawns on there. Oh well, if it worked the great! Well the hammer has been tested a lot under the 2v2 Throwdown variant and it fits that gametype well. We havn't actually done extensive testing for other gametypes so thats probably the next step.
    Yeah and just look out for anything that has my name under it! Don't what my next map will be but hopefully it will be something original!
  4. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Wow! This has gotten a lot of positive attention in my few days away from the Halo scene. :D I'm glad everyone's liking it so much! Hmm, yea. We had those tops plugged up before but the look was "meh" when we did that. Just a lil' killzoning to fix that up. :)
  5. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    Apparently my last comment was spam, so here's a more constructive version. I like the pacing, surprising turrets, and quick placed gameplay.

    Aesthetically I love the height, covie shields, The loadout Cams, AA choice, and walls.
    I enjoyed working on this with you, and bouncing ideas around. You have done well indeed. I enjoyed working with you guys on this.
    #25 Gnappy, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  6. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I've see countless forge maps use this same description. Just something I noticed...

    Anyways, I really like the design. It looks like spawn killing will be kept to a minimum with all the different corners and height variations, but the gameplay will still be fast paced. It also has a really unique look, since it doesn't look like your standard Forge World map.

    Nice job.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I know man it looks like we forged and awesome map. We should use our key to success (MOAR UP!) and try and make a big team battle map with similar architecture! Or not, I dunno, just an idea...

    Lol! But yeah thanks again for helping out!

    Well in this case, that part of the description is true because this puppy is way above the ground and plus you can see the ring above you.
    Anyway thanks for your comment and I'm glad that many people are loving the map!
    #27 Spicy Forges, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  8. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    This map is just beautiful. Seriously, you guys did a great job on this map, my friends and I just played it and it was a lot of fun. It looks great, and plays great as well. Well done.
  9. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    i played a 3x3 game on this map and i was really pleased with how the map plays, you used some of the pieces available in forge world in ways i hadn't seen (or noticed) before. I like how you used, what i believe is, the bottom of the xxl platform to make the floor. it looks really smooth and it more interesting than just a 4x4 or 5x5 piece. Great map, i look forward to seeing you make some more than are this well playing and aesthetically pleasing.
  10. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Wow awesome! Glad you liked it!

    So 3v3 works well? That's good to know. And yes the aesthetics were something we focused quite a lot on. As for those floors... credit goes to ardly!

    Also that reminds me... I should put the new version of Progenitor into my fileshare. It is has fixed killzones so if you try to fly you will be killed instantly. Also it's set up for stockpile and properly set up for FFA games.
    #30 Spicy Forges, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Before I start I would like to say to Crypto that this is an amateur review that I am using for my Review Hub application. So by all means, ingore everything I say ;)



    In terms of enjoyment I have to say this map disapointed me. Although the layout and balance of gameplay is picture perfect, for me there was just no "spark". The reason for this was in my opinion, you're choice of weapons. What would have made the gameplay electrifying is a choice of weapons that exemplified the fast-paced layout of the map, and of course the fast-paced nature of the "Throwdown" gametype. For example, you chose a gravity hammer as the central weapon of the map (at least for team games), a weapon that is very difficult to recover because of it's placement out in the open. The gravity hammer slows down play as I found it causes players to avoid each other and more often than not take to camping the walkways at the back of the map, where they can more or less become untouchable and still pose a significant threat, as a double-dose of DMR in the "Throwdown" gametype can dispatch a hammer-wielder in a matter of milliseconds. If this weapon was replaced with a projectile (perhaps a low-ammo rocket launcher) it would become a much more valued asset to players and keep the game flowing nicely. Furthermore, your choice of adding two plasma turrets is a mystery to me, as in game nobody uses them and if they did they would be dispatched easily with a DMR thanks to the "Throwdown" gametype's sleight damage increase.




    Progenitor's main asset for me is it's balance. On the map there is no dominant area, and no possibility of camping at all, leaving players to rely on teamwork to survive. For me this is one the aspects that makes it such a reasonable choice for the Throwdown tournament. The layout offers nothing for free; players have to work for every kill and no weapon or hotspot gives any kind of advantage that the other team can't overcome through teamwork and skilled play. The spawning also was faultless and not once did I spawn facing a member of the other team. The armour abilities are placed beautifully around the map and offer a great tactical advantage if they are used in the right ways. For instance the drop shield can effectively be used to hold the middle and also to squeeze a few kills out of the otherwise innefective gravity hammer. The evade placement does speed up the gameplay to an extent and accounts for some intense DMR battles that will no doubt become a trademark in the Throwdown tournament. This map fits the competitive category spectacularly, well done.




    Progenitor is completely innescapable, and all objects are smoothly interlocked for a fullified gameplay experience. All frame-rate lag has been fixed in the newest version of the map (although there was a little, in splitscreen mode). The spawn system is faultless for team games, however in free-for-all games with around 5 people sometimes you respawn facing another player and are trapped and instantly killed. This is down to the layout though, and I doubt it could be fixed by adjusting spawn placements. Also there is no way a player could deliberately set up a spawn trap.




    Progenitor boasts very subtle aesthetics, perhaps not intending to go too over the top due the prospect of frame-rate lag and making the map split-screen compatible. The idea of building the map over the "roof" of Forgeworld to enhance the colours of objects works is a good one which does help combat the dullness of brace larges. Also the use of windows does create a kind of "oudoor" feeling of the map, which I find resfreshing from typical compact indoor maps. If I have one criticism of the aesthetics it is that the map does seem "cluttered" slightly, but of course with the map being small, ample cover is needed to ensure balanced gameplay.



    The layout itself is where the originality lies in this map. Although at first glance Progenitor seems like the classic small rotationally-symmetrical competitive map, the gameplay style shows Crypto has succeeded in creating a fresh new experience for Reach. My first point; there is no advantageous control point on the map. An example of what i mean might be the top of gold gravity lift in Halo 3's Construct, or the sniper spawn on Boardwalk. This is brilliantly ideal for fast-paced free-for-all gametypes as it creates the illusion that the map is much bigger that it actually is, thus exemplifying the flow of gameplay. This is a trait that was practically non-existent in other rotationally-symmetrical maps such as Halo 2's Warlock.



    Average Score:

    Enjoyment: 5/10
    Balance: 9/10
    Durability: 8/10
    Aesthetics: 7/10
    Originality: 7/10


    I very much enjoyed playtesting your map and I wish you the best of luck in the "Throwdown" contest. Thanks,​

    #31 PatchworkZombie, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The damage increase make automatic weapons more powerful against dmrs, which still have the same put down rate as they did before. I assume the plasma turrets were intended to be ripped off and used as power weapons, which is a unique idea for a map.
  13. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I've played the map with the throwdown gametype many times, and trust me they aren't used at all. They are just so inaccurate when they are ripped off the damage they do is equivalent to a plasma repeater.
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Actually the plasma turrets can take out an enemy in a about 2 seconds flat.

    Anyway thanks so much for that review jfox. It was very informative and honestly did not seem like an amateurs review. However it was a subjective view and other people may have different opinions, but again thanks.

    I don't really have any other comments on that, except that we only had like one test of FFA on it as it we didnt focus on free for all play. Also this was a co forge and I think Kittenpaste is gonna feel a little left out cos you kept saying "crypto did this" or "crypto has". Next time mention both forgers. Kthxbai.

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