I took a stab at forge, and wanted to create a map inspired by one of my favorite games of yesteryear, Goldeneye from the N64. I chose The Facility because it was the map I played the most of. As for the map itself, it's not a perfect remake, and I'm sure it's not to perfect scale. While I would have loved to make it that way, I haven't played the game in many years, and I had to create this from memory. I started at the back and ran out of room when I got to the bathroom with the vent. I also left out a room, due to space constraints. Basically, I took some creative liberty when building this, but I think it's a decent representation. Again, it's my first try at a forge map, so I'm sure I've got some issues with some of the spawn, weapon placements, etc. Try it, or don't. Just wanted to put this out there for anyone that might be interested. Constructive criticism and feedback is welcomed and encouraged. And while I haven't been able to get a 4v4 game, I think swat (golden gun) would be a fun game type for this map
Please fix your thumbnail picture before this thread gets locked by one of the staff members, thanks. Here's the link. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html
Done. I tried fixing it earlier, but couldn't figure it out. That linked helped a bunch. And any feedback on the map would be greatly appreciated.
Don't only fix the thumbnail, that was only to keep your map from getting locked. Also put in other screenshots so people know what the map looks like, or no one will download it. I would also like to see more pics of the map, because I used to play JB Goldeneye all the time on 64.
More pics! lol, some people arent going to DL until you have more pictures that show the quality of the map. looks good so far in the pic you have.
Done. Went back and took a bunch of screenshots, and now they're added. Thanks for the tip. And BTW, I went and did a run through of your "Complex" remake... holy crap brother, that is awesome. Seriously fine work.
looks good, remakes are hard becuase there is a lot of pressure to get it right, even though it may not be the most accurate this is better than a lot of facility remakes ive seen. so good job dude.