The Library (Zombie Map)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by The Sarge, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. The Sarge

    The Sarge Forerunner

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    The Library is a 3 level zombie map. Loosely based off the Halo CE level The Library it provides open spaces and tight close quarters combat. It features a variety of hazards such as Lifts, Gates and Air Ducts.

    Throughout the map there are snipers, AR's and lots of other goodies!

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to fully enjoy this map, please enable weapon pickup and set Weapons on map to: MapDefault

    No Images, but there is a youtube video that gives a detailed rundown on the map.

    YouTube - Halo Reach Zombie Map - The Library
    #1 The Sarge, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  2. NobleBrutus

    NobleBrutus Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very well made. Definitely a download.
  3. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    This does indeed look very well made but and I like how the game type is the default infection but easily tweaked.

    Its absolutly amazing and when i saw it in action in the vid i was like: 0_@
    so ya im gonna download and play, then im gonna disect this mechanism if its the last thing I do!... Today! (lol I make mehself laugh.)
  4. The Sarge

    The Sarge Forerunner

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    The floodgate is basically just 6 covenant barriers standing vertically. There are fusion coils beneath them that hold them up. When the coils explode, the gates drop.

    All I have done is simply expanded on the drop gate concept that I found on youtube.

    Quite neat isn't it? Easily my favourite part of the map.
    #4 The Sarge, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  5. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    Is this map made after the campaign level "The Library"? cuz it looks nothing alike. while the map is awesome, its seems REALLY small, with tiny corridors, and a few rooms. Cool floodgates.

    Edit: I ditto Talons013, im gonna figure out how to use that gate, and use it for maps later. and the map looks alright, but your video only shows gameplay. I want to see the map
    #5 firedrone8, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  6. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I took a look at he map in forge and its rather confusing. If I was a human just starting out in this I'd die almost instantly. Do you usualy play on havens? because a haven PATH to the floodgate and the final room with the sparten laser would be nice. not exactly a campaign but a guide as of how to get there.

    Thank you for telling me how to make the gates. I almost instantly got on and remade it just out of my, kicking in, common sense. I would'nt have come up with this concept so thanks. I will use this in my future maps
  7. The Sarge

    The Sarge Forerunner

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    The map was more 'inspired' by The Library. I liked the idea where you had to fight your way to the top. There ARE very little rooms, however this was deliberate. When playing this map you will feel very exposed, however when playing as a zombie you will notice that finding and flanking your enemies is very difficult.

    The map was designed so that the player had to explore and find his way to the top (If you played the Halo: CE level I guarentee that you had to backtrack at some stage!).

    (Spoiler!) >>>There are 2 ways to the top. The air duct (to the right of the player upon inital spawn) and the central elevator (In the centre of the map). The air duct takes you directly to the third floor and the final room, but bypasses the second floor where the player can find some goodies.

    The central lift has an unfortunate knack of causing death / injury to the player if not used correctly (Health is always found on the wall near the elevator, will be improved in v2). However, the player is rewarded with a rocket launcher and assualt rifles with tonnes of ammo. The second floor is not easily accessable for zombies and also has some alternate camping spots that can be just as good as the main one. After raiding the 2nd floor the player can move onto the third using the elevator.
  8. nevadaoo

    nevadaoo Forerunner

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    I wish i had the time to make somthing like this....
    Good work and how do you get a thread picture?
  9. The Sarge

    The Sarge Forerunner

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    Its not too difficult. Draw a plan. Thats what I did, and when it comes time to forge you know exactly what you are doing and you complete the map much quicker.
  10. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    agreed I did this exact same tactic for another map I was working on (which hopefully someday I can post here on forgehub).

    By the way it is a very nice map and the video is a good preview for it to. :)
  11. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    This map is very nice. I love the idea of a library, especially the one from CE. Everything looks really nice my only suggestions would be to up the variety in weaponry and lose some of the large walls for more interesting structures.
  12. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I absolutely loved the video, to bad I'm only seeing this now. I will be playing this in my TGIF party tonight, it will be fun.

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