I just found something in Forge which seems so obvious but I don't think I can find any discussion of it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this... if I am then I'll feel like a total idiot for taking about 6 months to figure this out... but whenever you want to change some numbers (shape dimensions, object location etc) you press left or right and just scroll through the numbers, eventually it gets faster. I'm also sure those people who do that have also thought that there must be a quicker way. Well there is, its on the same level as clicking the left thumbstick to move really slowly, you just wouldn't think of it unless someone told you. The thumbstick trick always seems to come up when welcoming new members, but this does not: Still using the left thumbstick, don't just press left or right, press any of the diagonal directions to go straight in to the fast scrolling numbers.
Thumbstick. I think the D-Pad would just register it as pressing up and left rather than the diagonal movement you get on the thumbstick
Nice tip. I generally move something close enough so that only closer use of coordinates is needed, but there have been times where I've scrolled through and I wish I'd known this. Good find imo.
This has happened to me accidentally but I never really thought about it. Good job finding an actual method. It might also be good to note that if you swap directions with coordinates too fast it keeps moving the same direction.
Actually, with a bit more playing around, I've found you can do this with all 4 diagonals, not just up-left, down-right. It does take a bit of practise as most of the time you'll miss and end up going up or down in the list!