Torment 1.5

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PatchworkZombie, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    First off, the facts:

    Map Name: Torment 1.5
    Gametypes Recommended: Multi-flag, Stockpile, Slayer Pro, Throwdown
    Players Recommended: 2-8
    Author: JFox (PatchworkZombie)
    Weapon List:
    1x Shotgun
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Grenade Launcher
    4x Needle Rifle
    2x Needler
    2x Magnum
    2x Plasma Grenade
    2x Frag Grenade

    Well this is my first official map release since Reach came out. As some people might know, I had made a few race maps in Halo 3 that turned out good and eventually ended up on Bungie favourites. I then later made my first competitive map, which was later featured on

    In Halo: Reach I wanted to make a map that reflected my style for my Halo 3 maps. However I also wanted to create improvements in the gameplay and layout aspect of a map. The initial layout of the map was inspired by construct, with the top level clearly dominant in the map, yet also had it's disadvantages. I will go through some of the more detailed aspects of gameplay later, but for now you can enjoy the part of the post you have already skipped straight to.



    Blue Team Lift Room

    Bit o' Stockers

    Pitside brawl

    With this map I tried my best to learn from the mistakes I made with my previous maps. This mistake was that I didn't nearly test the map enough to ensure quality gameplay and balanced spawning. With this map I can honestly say I spent nearly double the amount of time testing the map than I did actually forging it.

    My main goal was to create a map that worked well for Capture the Flag, with around 6 to 8 players. In the end I most definately achieved this. The spawns are smooth and the weapon layout is balanced.

    I know what you're thinking having seen the pictures, "OMG that upper level is going to be a camping fest" Well take a look at the first picture. Notice the bridge is very thin, made of railings. This means that a sniper is extremely vulnerable from the height as strafing is more or less impossible without falling into the "Death Pit". As well as this, the two gravity lifts that connect both bases with the top floor ensure that a sniper has no idea when an attacker will be on him. So in a nutshell keeping control of the sniper is a harder task than it looks.

    If you want to get the most out of this map I highly recommend getting a 3vs3 game going with either Team Slayer, Multi-flag or Stockpile. The base element and symmetrical design make these gametypes very tactical with controlling vantage points (such as the top floor) a way to enhance a team's advantage during play.

    Aren't ready to download yet you say? Well this short video captured by IDave the Rave should entice you :p

    YouTube - Torment - Halo Reach Forge by PatchworkZombie

    And just in case you missed it:

    - IDave the Rave (for creating the video)
    - SteVo
    - vThe Joker
    - Katanga Askar
    - Everyone who tested
    #1 PatchworkZombie, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  2. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    :D Stevo showed this to me after he tested it and I was amazed just by the spawn camera. But from further iinspection, learned of its terrible screen lag it had at the time... have you fixed it, more or less? I also see you added the "bridge" over the middle, though I think a Brace Large would have don't the job just fine. But whatever. I'll dl this later and see how it plays and how the screenlag is.
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    1. Yes I did fix about 90% of the screen lag so the map functions much better now. The only place screen lag is now present is at grenade launcher spawn and looking up to sniper spawn whilst walking backwards, which hardly ever happens.

    2. A brace large would work, but i wanted a much thinner bridge to make it more difficult for a sniper to strafe without falling.
  4. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey great looking Map looks kinda small is it. I not a huge fan of small maps but if the map is a fairly medium sized map i beleive it would be excellent. Im going to Giver a DL and if anything really sticks out i'll be back to comment on it. I would Hate to comment on your map without every givinger a chance.
  5. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can confirm that the screen lag isn't the issue it was any more. I remember doing loads of laggy tests, but each time you'd improve the frameratea little. The final product is much better than the older versions. And it's nice to see you took all of the advice on board.
  6. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Yes the map is fairly small but the layout makes the game suitable for around 8 players. Thanks for downloading and "givinger" a chance anyway =P
  7. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I'm really glad to hear that you fixed all of that frame rate lag. After reading the post I instantly started looking for some people to play it with me later. I'll probably leave some feedback on it after I get a game or two on it, but from what I can see already you've improved upon the problems that the map had. Good luck in the contest!
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Thanks for helping test Katanga, glad you liked the map.

    Glad you like it. I may even make some final tweaks for the Throwdown version of the map if I manage to get some last minute tests done, but from all the testing I've done so far it seems to work OK. If you do get a game I would appreciate the feedback.
  9. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I enjoyed seeing this in various stages of production and im glad you managed to get the screen lag mostly fixed. I honestly think this is the best map for the Throwdown that i've seen yet. Its a shame I couldn't make it to any of the test sessions. I love the central deathpit and the overhanging bridge. I can see the construct vibe you've gone for, not in the aesthetics or layout but in the style of gameplay it promotes.

    Looking forward to seeing what else you create
  10. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Yes Construct was one of my main inspirations, Especially with the gravity lifts at the bottom of the map. I was also inspired by Sword Base as I wanted a similiar multi-leveled map. Anyway glad you liked it, good luck with your own throwdown submission.
  11. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love your map Patch! It was great fun testing, and I'm sorry I couldn't get many good clips for the video.

    Anyway, whilst I was recording I noticed that there was a slight issue with the spawns in FFA, for some reason one side of the map seems to constantly be favoured by the spawn system, have you fixed that?
  12. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Yes i fixed all of the FFa spawn problems and it now plays smooth as a cows back. (;
    Thanks a lot for making the video anyway.
  13. Dorito

    Dorito Forerunner

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    Great Map

    This map is fantastic to play on. It's a shame you had to delete your pretty roof due to frame rate lag issues. It still looks like a really nice map,played a 1v1 on it with Katanga (AFK) but thats not the point.
  14. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Yer the original map looked really good but i had to cut $3000 off my budget just to get rid of framerate lag. It still plays great and looks fine though so i'm very happy with the final product.
  15. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I got a game in yesterday. I was super glad that I experienced barely any frame rate issues at all! The map is very wonderful and I'm happy that you got it fixed up. I'm not very good at reach, but there was one minor problem that my team was having.. The shotgun. A guy camped up at the top of the map with it and had a very easy time doing so. I'm sure it was just that our teams were not very even. Once again, good luck in the contest! I'll be rooting for this map.
  16. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Thanks for actually playing the map and commenting. The shotgun can be a problem when used at the top of gravity lifts, however if you take the route that leads up to sniper spawn a shotgun camper will be at your mercy as the range prevents him using it.
  17. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played a game of Thorwdown on here. The map was great, and quite fun, but the shotgun probably had too much ammo, and the spawns were pretty bad. Maybe that's been fixed for this version though?
  18. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    When you say the spawns were pretty bad, what does that mean exactly? I wish you'd explain a little better in your comment because when I played the map spawns were perfect, and if you encountered a problem I hadn't seen, I could fix before the deadline. If you haven't played the newest version then download it and play it by all means, I made so many changes from the first version I lost count. Also the shotgun has limited ammo.
  19. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe the best course of action is to request a video of a game where the spawning was bad. Video evidence is worth a thousand words.

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