RESEARCH STATION BETA This is the first of a series of machinima sets I'm going to make. The Research Base has a generator room, two experiments and a garage with Mongoose and tools. Outside the base is a small diorama, however the map has been designed so that you don't leave the base. Let's take a tour. Here s where you will most likely spawn. There are a few crates here and there is an experiment at the back. In addition you should be looking at the main entrance.... ... which looks like this. As can you see there is a path leading to the base. Now lets take a look at that experiment in more detail... Scientists are trying to understand the propulsion technology in these strange alien "gravity lifts." Apart from this there isn't much here, so let's go around the corner. Around the corner, you'll find a couple of terminals, the teleporter which leads to the generator room (Which I forgot to take screenshots of, so I guess you will have to discover it for yourself.) and a good view of the diorama. Around the next corner.... some crates and the warning light, which indicates an experiment is underway, as well as... ....a create and some more terminals. If you turn to the right you'll find the next experiment. In this experiment, scientists have managed to expand particles to such a size, that they can really examine them. Going around the next corner will lead you outside, where going left or straight will lead you to dead ends but going right will lead you to the the garage. In the garage you'll find the Mongoose and a couple of tools. This ends our tour. I hope you enjoy the map and find it useful for your machinima! Oh, by the way, the game-type reduces your speed and jump height, removes the time-limit, and stops you from picking up weapons and vehicles. What do you want for my next machinima set?? Please comment below.
I havent actually forged anything on breakpoint. so how much of the buildings/interior have you made yourself and how much was there from the beginning? like the computers and machines and stuff.
Originally the base is pretty empty, but the terminals were there, pretty much every thing else though, was built by me, it took about 5 hours to get the right feel. In addition the generator and the little base the mongoose sits on were already there but they were outside the base. So I built around them and connected them to the main area, all the metal walls in particular are forgeabale
Im making a machinima and i have to ask after seeing this magnificent map Can you make a Fort and a Factory?