So I decided to try a new twist on zombies here. What happens when you come into the game as a human, and you have no weapons and no where to run? And now you have to rely on your friends to come get you out before the zombies do. That's what happens here. You spawn on various rooftops with just enough to defend yourself for a bit, but if no one comes with a falcon to get you out, you will eventually die. Once in a falcon it's not a good idea to just stay in it even if you can protect the others, because besides zombies being able to fly, they have a plasma pistol. Instead there are other rooftops with weapons you can ferry people to. They are low and ammo and don't respawn so eventually you may have to risk changing buildings. I hope you all have a lot of fun with the map and get a whole new feel for zombies. Note: Spawns may bug 1 out of 20 games. I am working on how to fix it.
This is a really great idea. I want to try it out next time I have a couple of friends to play with. It gave me some ideas for a similar map and game type. I'll be sure to give you credit if it ever becomes a reality.
Great idea making humans desperately waiting for pick. There is one thing what I wonder, is falcons turrets powerful? It can be hard to hit falcon with plasma pistol if it is far enough, so if turret is powerful and you can get far, it's noob. You could post human and zombie traits so everyone could see what gameplay is like. Still I think this could be one of the best infection maps this far.
Great concept!!!! i can't get over how creative an idea this is. The one thing that i find unattractive is the overall view of the map. I would include more aesthetics if possible to add a bigger attraction to the map along with the gameplay style.
Your Gametype link is broken. It leads directly to your map. Here's a fixed version you can just Copy/Paste into your summary: Spoiler : Halo Reach : File Details
Thanks everyone. @RodziR The turret is powerful, but even people surviving in the Falcon for a decent amount of time I've seen dying. I plan on making a V2. I'm constantly testing and want to make sure it's as good as possible @Bl0odshadow Can you be more specific on what isn't appealing to you? Or are you just not appealed at all? @HarisSales1996 Thanks for that catch. It's fixed now.
I remember playing this with you. It was pretty epic. Zombie was actually just as fun as being a human. Great map. Only thing it could use is a little more insides and some more building maybe 1 or 2 and some aesthetics. Overall great map
checked it out in forge and it was pretty interesting concept. although my custom lobeys usually only have a few people, and 2 falcons carry six people, enough to never need to land. you had one room that had spawned six people and the others had 2 on them, i would suggest 1 spawn per building and one building with 4 spawns, and just one falcon. this way people can become trapped and left behind ,adding suspense plus you had 4000 left! 4000$ could get you three more buildings, plus adding an interior to a few buildings. as well the building in the lagoon (the short one) had several weapons on it, a turret, so couldn't every one just go strait their, line their falcons as turrets and dominate for he round. overal though the concepts great
Thank you for your feedback. I will probably delete the 2nd falcon. I had it in there because I had a hard time predicting how people would spawn at first and I tried to make it so all the players wouldn't spawn on a building without a falcon and become trapped. Doing something like this is still slightly unpredictable, but I'm sure I will get the spawns perfect with time. The budget wasn't the problem, it's the item limit. Although I realize I could probably add a lot more and am planning on modifying it to be a 2.0 I didn't want to focus players camping too much inside of building and wanted to focus on the rooftop action, but I think I can do little things like I already did. It seems that a lot of people would rather have more interior, which is interesting feedback. And yes they could be on the turrets, but zombie can fly low and get behind them and was never a problem. Although it will probably be better taking the 2nd falcon out as well.
The map is really cool but if you could make one with various buildings (like you have) that are joined by walkways and have many floors and maybe a falcon spawns after 3 mins then it could be used for ferring people.
Great idea! But one question, if the Falcon dies at the start of the round are the humans doomed? I think you could keep the 2nd falcon but make it spawn at 1:50 or something on a separate rooftop likely to have human survivors. This way, if all goes to plan the humans would be off and away by the time the 2nd falcon spawns, making it play as if there was only one. Just a thought, 2.0 will be good! I think it is best without much interior, but maybe a few more aesthetics on the actual rooftops? Maybe a few 'immovable' Rocket Hogs because the turret would be very inaccurate against flying zombies, but very cool to use anyway... [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just noticed the massive time jump. LOL. Was 2.0 actually made?