If you are a fan or frequent player of Halo 3, than you obviously know about the map Cold Storage. Cold Storage is meant to be a flood containment facility on the 5th halo ring, installation 05. Bungie put this map up for free download on Bungie day. (july 7th) This map is great for custom games, as it supports FFA as its main gametype. It also supports -Headhunter -Juggernaut -Infection and -Oddball I put all of the same weapons with the same spawn time. This is probably the most accurate Remake of Cold Storage that you will find. Here is the URL for all information and pictures of Cold Storage from halo 3. Cold Storage - Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, Reach, and more Be sure to check out the picture Gallery on Halo.wikia if you are not familiar with this map. Overview of the map on Rocket Side. Oddball in the Windowed Flood room. Middle of map with Oddball. Large Steps Center ledge Flood research room.(with shotgun and overshield in hallway) Please give me your feedback on this map! tell me the flaws or anything i missed. I recomend playing it with a customs lobby as it played well with me and my friends. If you enjoyed this map, please give me more ideas! Im open to any suggestions of remaking any map in the Halo Series. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Any feedback? seriously this took me 10+ hours and i just want some sort of feedback about flaws and problems
Cool your jets, bro. It's only been three minutes, nobody can give proper feedback in that time, unless they judge by pictures. I for one, have just set the map up for download, and will type my thoughts as they come to me... Fault 1) Nothing is exactly to scale, a result of this is jumping from staircase to rockets is impossible without armour abilities. Fault 2) Sniper spawn is horrendous. There are gaps that shouldn't be there, the path from receiver to camo is much too narrow, and I believe the ramp is supposed to be at 45[sup]o[/sup], not 90[sup]o[/sup]. Fault 3) there is a pillar missing in the central room with the teleporter. Fault 4) A lot of the old jumps aren't there, unless you have an armour ability. Now, I'm not sure if these all detract from gameplay or not, because I haven't gotten a game on it this quickly, and most likely won't because it's 11pm on a school night, and I have homework to do. I'm not going to make any false promises that I will be back tomorrow to test or anything like that, because this map doesn't stand out to me. That being said, it was a good attempt, and I really don't know how it would play out in a game.
Ok... i posted this map literally like 3 and a half hours ago i dont know why it just decidded to appear, but thanks for the DL. I was just wondering how the map really played out and how other people thought of it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well dude armor abilities are a must for this map. Its hard to make an exact scale that is actually playable, because Bungie greatly reduced the jump height. And seriously the ramp has to be 45 degress instead of 90? does it bother you that much? im currently fixing my map with your thoughts in mind, but its nearly impossible to make an exact scale of the map when the physics of Halo reach has been drastically changed since halo 3.
Remaking... Easier said then done! I may not be a super member or anything, but I have been working on many maps that revolve around remakes of old maps... and I will say that its almost, if not impossible to make a map that is 100% true to its original design. That is why I have always made Remakes that are more... re-imaginings. This is not one of the best remakes, as said by other... many flaws! And lots of things are missing in the map. I know what its like to try to build a remake of a map, and out of the many times I have tried, i realized that you cant do it unless you are SUPER GOOD and have more then just "10" hours of build time. Just like the map I uploaded that is a re-imagining of Narrows, I knew that it would be really hard to make it perfect to its original. So I rethought the design and built it in my own way. Even that took me 24-30 hours of Layout, Building, Spawning, Weapon Placement, and TESTING... TESTING... TESTING. And am still finding flaws in the map. So 10 hours may seem like a lot, but its still just 10 hours. Good attempt, and I know you will get better. I know that everyones first map or first upload to this site was not 100% perfect. Even some of my new maps that I am working on are taking me about 20 hours or more, and will take 20 more hours before I upload my next map. Keep at the Forging.
Q'd for download. I wont post too much from just looking at the images but once i've had a forge through I will get back to you. What I will say is that it looks nice and clean, true to the original generally pretty nice. pinokhios comments are worrying as just those few small problems will really lower gameplay. On a further note. Having completed a few remakes in Reach myself. I find it much better to do 'inspired by' remakes as to account for the different physics and gameplay changed in Reach.
Well i was hoping someone could give me a short list of some missing things and flaws so i can make a v2. v2 will have to be set aside for later because i plan on starting an assembly remake which i know will take A LOOONG time. (Anyone wanna help on Assembly remake?) If its good it will be popular, cause i know assembly was very popular with MLG and other gametypes. [br][/br]Edited by merge: gjvfjhgihij